a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beneath My Bed...

lurks some unknown
It still is there
Although I'm grown.

From sound sleep
I will wake
If I reach the edge
My life's at stake

I know it's crazy
But it's also real
There no controlling
How I feel.

Unknown fear
Waits all night
For parts to appear

If  I jump
Not wide enough
I run the chance
Of getting snuffed.

Boogeymen and scores unseen
Wait beneath my bed
"They like the tender ones,"
My sister always said.

dVerse Poets Pub with a challenge from Brian Miller this week.  Reveal your monsters and enjoy the fun.


Buttons Thoughts said...

My sister was like that and I still cannot let my feet hang over the bed:) B

Brian Miller said...

they like tender ones...hahaha...what a sister eh? smiles...i remember running and jumping into bed so what was beneath could not snatch my leg...lol....

Dreaming said...

Nicely done!
My dad fell out of bed a few weeks ago. He was sure there was a package under the bed. It was wrapped in glossy white paper. I don't know if he was ever convinced that it wasn't there.

TexWisGirl said...

made me smile. :)

Heidi said...

Aww mean sister! (and why didn't I tell my brother that?) I still can't sleep with an arm or leg hanging off of the bed. I think that the fourth stanza is my favorite, it nails that feeling.

Josie Two Shoes said...

This was so well written, and so very true to life. To this day I cannot sleep with my hands or feet hanging off the bed, a carryover from childhood and fears about what might be lurking under that bed! I wonder why we never feared IT climbing up into the bed to get us?!

LindaG said...

Look at all you have been through.
You're tough! ;-)
Great poem, Gail!

Lynne said...

I hope I can sleep tonight . . .

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this, but I am surprised at the number of people worried about dangling their limbs over the bed. It's never been an issue for me..perhaps it's because I never had siblings to tease me?

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Ooooo...I'd keep an eye on that sister of yours!

Unknown said...

Thank heavens I didn't have a sister! Loved your frightened but humorous take on the prompt!

Claudia said...

haha..i always thought sisters are better than brothers but...smiles.. but i bet you always managed to jump wide enough..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG Gail, this is exactly how i felt all my life, from as far back as i can remember the poem is perfect for me, i did not get rid of this fear until i was in my 50's. i don't have it now, but did for 50 years.. i would lay in the middle and not move because my arm/leg might get to close to the edge....

Irene said...

Half of the time Tyke lies under the bed, so I don't have to be afraid of boogeymen. Besides, there are things in real life that are a lot scarier and I'm not afraid of them.

LilliStJohn said...

Great poem for all those that fear the "unknown" lurking under their bed. My sister tried that on me - it didn't work. ha,ha

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great poem. And, so true. We still have monsters and demons that haunt us and invade our sleep!

Play off the Page

DesertHen said...

There are times when I still don't want to put my feet on the floor in the middle of the night. Boogyman fears...still as an adult! Ha! Great poem!

Sandy Livesay said...

Well written, this poem touches our childhood memories.

Kathy Reed said...

I love the flow of this and it's truths;)

Susan Anderson said...

Oh, dear...what a naughty sister!


Pamela said...

I shared a bed with my sister when I was little --- I would scare her purposely, although I am the younger

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