a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Still Truckin'...

Time is molasses when you're waiting.  The sun rose on my Monday as I headed out to the capitol city and my own personal hell...city driving and a loved one in a hospital.

Sunday had gone well with packing and filling the lists for Hubby's wants and needs...a real razor, real soap...simple things we so become accustomed to having.  Had a small panic when I forgot how many cows Hubby had when we fed.  I had Andrew driving and looking for bodies.  We confirmed with Marcy the count and all were there.  I continued to pack planning an extended stay.

Driving and getting behind more old ladies driving like me slowed me down a little but still arrived fifteen minutes before a conference that did not happen until six PM.  Tests, tests, tests, transplant consultation/education,  financial advisers, dietitians, nurses, helpers, questions to answers and secrets to tell left no time for computer updates.

Hubby has stabilized amazingly...probably something to do with PRAYER (thank you all!) and a good medical staff.  He has been removed from all IV lines and has been told to roam the halls between tests to keep up his strength.  So far every test has been good.  They are looking for anything that might interfere with the success of transplant if and when he is accepted for the list and it happens.

Finally the main doc arrives and says, "Congestive Heart Failure".  Not fatal AT THE MOMENT if managed.  Congestion has been reduced, blood pressure stabilized and Hubby can breath again.  Tests will continue and assessment of every aspect will be under the microscope.  My sick humor keeps popping out so if I'm judged mentally unstable that will make Hubby a bad candidate.  They say the Home Team is as important and the hospital team.

Oh, the things we've learned that I never wanted to know!

They are doing a heart cath Wednesday to get a new close look.  Possibly, hopefully, if all goes well, Hubby will get to come home Wednesday...condition managed with oral medicines.  We will be grateful, eat heart healthy, exercise and continue tests on an outpatient basis.

Driving home after dark...blind as a bat...why do they say that when bats can navigate better than a sighted person with their little sonars?  Check engine light comes on in a sixty mile stretch of empty road.  I drive.  It's my only choice.  FINALLY I see a station.  I check the oil in the semi-darkness mostly by feel then I take my dipstick toward the light.  Oil's good. Water's good.  That's the best I can do.

I hear a lady who says, Is everything alright?  I said, Check engine light on.  Returning from Little Rock, no cell, not a mechanic.  She said, We're coming from Little Rock too.  We took our son to Children's...seizures. I privately imagine the horror of having a sick child.   I said I will pray for him if that's okay.  She said, Praise God!  I've been drug free for six months.  My husband will check your car.  He did. All levels okay and I continue home.

I pull in driveway and immediately lock my keys in the car while unloading it.  I drop things in the dirt trying to haul things into the house.  Find my extra keys and finish the car.  Check on Marcy and discover her doc says she "almost" has pneumonia. Waited on Andrew to safely arrive from a track meet.  I think we finally hit the sack after eleven.

I have a mechanic appointment.  It's not raining yet.  My edges are ragged and torn but life is good.

Thank you everyone.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It will be all right. Devil is just trying to rattle you right now.
Good news on your husband! Be wonderful if they can manage it with drugs.

Farm Girl said...

Oh thank you for the update. I may be a bit optimistic but my Dad lived for years and He managed it just fine.
You are such a trooper. I am so thankful that that lady and her husband "just happened," to be there.
I will continue to pray.

Country Gal said...

Oh Gail you poor thing ! Sounds like good news is upon hubs I do hope you both can get back to some what normal ! I will pray for you all and you are always in our thoughts for speedy recoveries !

TexWisGirl said...

oh, no. i hate that marcy is getting sick - just when you need her help, too.

i hope hubby's heart can be regulated and controlled for as long as it needs to be before a transplant can be arranged.

Deb said...

glad you are home safe and sound...prayers for you and your Hubby...

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope you get him home tomorrow and that Marcy has meds to take..when it rains it pours.
Sometimes the check engine light comes on from a bad sensor in the fuel tank..at least that is what happened to us.
Hang in there gal..sending good thoughts your way and prayers too:)

ellen abbott said...

Holy cow Gail. Remember to take a few minutes for yourself or you will be in the hospital too.

Susan Kane said...

Baby steps, Gail. God is in control. He has brought people to help when you most needed it.

DFW said...

Everyone else is right ... when it rains .... Tests aren't just for TM, you are being 'reviewed' as well. so, far I think you're passing with flying colors!

Anonymous said...

Gail, I still have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everyone is soon well and enjoying Spring together. I admire your strength and your family, too.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Hang in there. I'm now praying "hard" as my sister says, for YOU.

Sandy Livesay said...


It's fabulous news Dennis is passing all of his tests, soon he will be home and able to manage this condition with the proper medications, family love, diet and exercise.

I'm so sorry to hear Marcy almost has pnuemonia, the doctors started her on special medications I hope.

Remember to take care of youself while taking care your family.

I'm hoping your check engine light is just a routine maintenance check which can be resolved with a flick of a switch.

Sending prayers your way for you, Dennis, Marcy and family.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well i think you are a big PLUS for him being on the list and I am sure the doctors board does to... what a day what a trip... so sorry about Marcy, and thankful your husband is doing better, more prayers will bring more good news... hugs hugs and more hugs, hope you feel them... that is my anti anxiety pill from ME to YOU>

Rose said...

Oh Gail when you get hubby home you will look back and see what an amazing job you are doing! I pray God keeps shining his bright light over you all.
Thank you for keeping us all updated when you have so much to do.
Love and best wishes to you all x

Buttons Thoughts said...

Still eyeing neighbours chickens :) just keep yourself rested and safe OK the rest we seem to be doing OK. Tell Marcy to rest too. HUGS B

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh, how familiar I am with 'congestive heart failure'. It was often mentioned durin' our little Social Butterfly's hospital stays.

I know how you can feel the prayer of those who are liftin' you up. There's power in them prayers girl!

You have to be exhausted sweetie, I know it's near impossible but please try to take care of you. Your a treasure to your family and us too!!!

God bless and we'll keep prayin' on this end friend!!! :o)

Brian Miller said...

ugh...i stopped in earlier as i had not seen you in a couple days...i am so sorry...i am glad it is as well as it is and can be managed as well...here is to hoping for continued good news...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That is better news than I was expecting..thank God! I hope he can take the meds and change lifestyle. Ya'll are still in my prayers.

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Gail, oh boy, poor you, take it day by day....Pray Hubby gets through all this soon....Blessings Francine.

LilliStJohn said...

Cows were probably real glad to see you - good to hear tests are going well - see, folks were sent your way to ensure you all OK. Hope that Marcy will feel better soon and slow down long enough to take a deep breath yourself, Eh. Prayers n thoughts keep coming from our way.lol

Mary Aalgaard said...

Sorry to hear about your husband's health issues. Hang in there. Rest when needed and lean on others for help and emotional strength.
Play off the Page

Lynne said...

The stress of concern, the distance and drive, the wonder, worry and wait . . . makes for long days and weary body. Grab some fresh air, a bit of sun, a minute to rest your eyes.
Wish I could be near to help . . . I care, . . . from afar.

21 Wits said...

Wow, you are one strong and good-hearted woman! You shall see it through all this I just know it. Hate it when car issues have to mess up when life issues are at hand. Keeping you in my prayers and hubby too. God Bless you all and the child you learned about along the way.

carolina nana said...

Still Prayin'

LindaG said...

This is great news, Gail!
Sometimes if the light comes on, then doesn't come on when you restart it, it's just having a brain fart.
It should set a code - depending on its year, that they can read with a reader to determine if anything is really wrong.
An Auto Zone or Advance Auto type place can often do it for free.
Hope it's nothing with the vehicle.
*hugs* God bless, still praying here, too! ♥

Dreaming said...

Your news sounds encouraging. I will continue the prayers, and keeping fingers crossed (except when typing, of course!)
Take time to smooth those rough edges... so you don't snag on something!

the canned quilter said...

Oh honey I have so been there. My own sweet hubby hospitalized 20 times in 1 year with heart attack and later heart issues. Hang in there! I wish I were closer to offer some help or at the least a shoulder to cry own. Chin up my friend : )

Patty said...

Continuing prayers for your family, and please send them to surround my family. Nothing bad, just need patience in dealing with 81 year old Mom with dementia. Thanks and thing will be better, we know.

Susan Anderson said...

Looks like our prayers are being answered, and I intend to keep them coming!


StitchinByTheLake said...

They say trying times build character. I say I have enough character thank you very much. So I repeat that for you! Praying tonight for continued good news, a safe return home, wise decisions by the powers that be, and rest for all concerned. blessings, marlene

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