a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, April 18, 2013


This Bluebird was the only witness
seen through the windshield of Hubby's dirty truck
I don't think the bird is talking. 
Tractor/Lawnmower Man fried his battery charger Tuesday or the battery charger chose to kill itself when faced with all the summer's work ahead.  The riding lawn mowers' batteries were dead and had to be brought back to life.

Off first to Home Depot and then to the correct store.  We didn't need an air compressor/battery charger nor a six hour battery charger.  We simply needed a jump it, start it, get 'er done battery charger thingy.

The correct place just happened to be next to our favorite Chinese Restaurant.  Hubby asked, Chinese?  Nope!  We are forbidden to eat Chinese out...high in sodium.  As much as he fusses about my love of Chinese food I really think he was disappointed not to eat out.

Home to jump a battery, mow a little and nap.  I'm glad he could do this.  Over two weeks ago we were thinking he may never do this again.

Waking from his nap I greeted him with a wonderful plateful of low sodium non-Chinese food. He actually SAID it was good.

You learn to be grateful for the small things.


Country Gal said...

I like the Eastern Blue birds ours are back now to ! I am glad to hear you guys are doing ok . It will take time to get used to the changes for both of you but that's the good thing ( both ) of you ! Thanks for sharing hope the tractor runs like a charm for you. Have a good day !

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail I am as excited as you for the Bluebird but more so for the TractorMan getting out and puttering around he and you need to do that. YEAH. Love the Bluebird I cannot wait to see mine return. Guess they are on their way. Yeah TractorMan. B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to hear tractor man is back on the tractor and that all you needed was the jump starter thingy, we have one of those to.love that blue bird, and sorry he can't eat out.

Lynne said...

Love the Bluebird and your "on program" determination!

the canned quilter said...

So glad Tractor Man is feeling better!

Dreaming said...

What a positive, upbeat post! So glad to hear that your Tractor Man is doing so well. How wonderful of you to make healthy alternatives. I am jealous that you have grass that needs cutting. Ours is under snow... again!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Pretty bluebird. I'm having a battle with a Robin who is trying to build her nest over my porch light. She's tough and may win.

I mowed yesterday after work with clouds moving in and moving out. Glad I did, it's raining buckets here.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

love the bluebird....ours are so different looking here in the desert.
As to your low sodium Chinese food.....I'm so happy that you have each other. Oma Linda

Farm Girl said...

Lovely blue bird. Oh to do normal things is such an incredible blessing. I know I enjoy reading about it.

TexWisGirl said...

that's awesome!

(and i have one of those air compressor/jumper cable things - it has saved my a** more times than i care to count!)

carolina nana said...

So glad hubbie is feeling better. Did they decide to put him on the transplant list? I may have missed a post with the outcome of all his test.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear he is feeling good enough to go to town:)

Sandy Livesay said...


I'm excited and happy to hear Tractor Man is feeling better. No chinese food, darn!!! I make chinese food at home with no sodium, maybe he can learn to make chinese food at home? Just a thought. I hope you didn't get any of this storm that bulldozed through Oklahoma.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

One day at time!
I bet he thought it was good. Although for most of us guys you could place cardboard slathered in ketchup in front of us and we'd eat it.

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a pretty bird, love the colours. I have sympathy for your hubby, I have high cholesterol and can't eat the cakes and fish and chips I love.
Lynne x

Deb said...

beautiful blue bird...

LindaG said...

Pretty bird!

Glad to hear Tractor Man is feeling better and complimented you on your cooking!

Hope you all have a good evening. ♥

Reena said...

Glad to hear he is better! And yes, you are right, it's the small moments that count! Enjoy them. Love the bluebird.

Susan Kane said...

Getting a battery recharge is sometimes as simple as a good nap and a plate of food made with love. Good post.

Willow said...

Glad you and Tractor man are out and about ~ together again.

Susan Anderson said...

Being out enjoying life sounds like a big thing to me! So glad he is well enough to do these things...and proud of him for foregoing the Chinese food!!


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