a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, April 8, 2013

In The Valley Spring Has Sprung...

Our poor cattle are grateful for the green. They broke into the barn for the last peanut hay bale and we have been feeding range cubes. The bulls and the calves look good but the poor mamas are looking ragged.  Almost ashamed to show a picture.  Thank God, the grass is growing. They lay down to chew their cuds far more often than they were. 

The tulips and other spring bulbs struggle through the vetch and other wild ground covers screaming to me of all the work I have to do.

Many fruit trees are covered with blossoms and the air is full of pollen.  Hoping we have enough pollinators to have a good fruit crop this year.

I spend much of my time cooking healthy meals and bird dogging Tractor Man.  He tends to run off on the tractor or Ranger without notification.

The Canine Farm Team alerted me last night.  By the time I arrived with light and weapon the snake had already been taken out and only pieces remained.  Good dogs!  I shall have to be careful when I get back to my water garden.  This was a poisonous water snake.

I have ambitious plans.  Changing bedclothes from company, removing maggots from the kitchen sink and killing mushrooms that are growing the bathrooms...kidding!  My household chores have suffered from lack of attention but that is not important.

Tractor Man is home.  We follow the rules and await the decision of "The Board" to see if he is a candidate. Life will continue and we will not hang suspended waiting for that decision.

In the between times we say I love you more often and appreciate that we are both home again.


Country Gal said...

I am glad to hear Tractor man is home and things are some what normal. . Nice photos ! I pray that all goes well . Need to a bell on or tracker on that man lol ! Nothing like Home Sweet Home though ! Have a good day !

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We'll keep praying for the right decision.
Glad the dogs didn't get bit by that snake!

Mary Ann said...

I really hope you were kidding when you said it was a water moccasin! My gosh! And peanut hay... I have been watching bales here lately, and the two biggest cattle producers ended up with enough hay to feed through May... they were wise stockers last fall.

Rose said...

Me to Gail, i will keep on praying, glad you are both home. The weather here is warming up, i get a little over whelmed when i think of the work to do in the garden, i guess its just the thought of it! Well i am sending you all hugs and positive energy, have a lovely day, jackie x

Farm Girl said...

I am so happy you are both home now. I can't tell you how relieved I am.
It all looks so pretty there. I am glad the dogs got to the snake first.
Have a lovely day,

TexWisGirl said...

keep the faith - and keep on keeping on... :)

21 Wits said...

Great news, life is good! Recovery important too, and with your spring now sprung, lucky you! I thought ours had too, and now more snow is predicted! Grrrrrrrrr!

Susan Anderson said...

So glad he's home and that spring has apparently heralded his arrival.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

tractor man is just like my bobby appleseed, they just don't think. Bob was in the garage working on his little planes. he decides to wander down and across the street to check on a riding lawnmower in a back yard. the owner died a year ago and bob keeps track of the place for the brother that inherited it. did he think to say where he was going? i had a nag you to death talk with him. i said what if you cut your hand off working on a lawn mower, or had a heart attack in a yard where no one lives, out of sight. and i had no idea where you were.... i will not go into details of the conversation.
so glad the two of you are home together...poor cows, hope the grass grows really fast and tall... the babies are so cute

Susan Kane said...

Your cows must be happy cows now. Hate snakes! Glad your dogs dealt with it.

You and Tractor Man--relieved to hear that he is home for a while. Hang on to each other. God bless you.

ellen abbott said...

I'm glad he's home. All those chores can wait.

Deb said...

men....I think raising kids are easier than husbands...

the canned quilter said...

Welcome home tractor man and you both continue to be in our prayers!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Glad you're both back home. Spend time together when you can stand each other and be happy. That's all we can do in life. Oma Linda

Lynne said...

Keep the faith good woman . . . I liked hearing that you are saying your "I love yous" and staying on the plan!

Primitive Stars said...

Yay!!!! So happy Tractor man is home with you.....good dogs you have, great protectors...green for the cows is good, nice o see green instead of white, still lots of snow here...Blessings Francine.

DFW said...

Yea that both of you are now home. Praying that the board sees fit to list him. I don't like snakes, glad your pups put an end to them without being bitten themselves!

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is looking green there! I enjoyed your tulips! I will continue to pray and hope for the best for you and your tractor man. Good dogs!! :)

carolina nana said...

So glad to hear tractor man is home. I'm praying that this will get resolved quickly in a positive way.Blessings to you both.

Sandy Livesay said...

Hey Sweetie,

You need to put a tracking device on your husband, lol.....
He's so fast to get outside and work on the farm. Yes, be very careful, this time of year all the slithering and creepy critters come out to play. I say bring the gun for sure. Thank God for the dogs and their fast abilities of destroying the creepy snake.
I worry about the blossoms and beautiful flowers, weather is taking a turn for the worst tomorrow and Wednesday. You and yours be careful with this weather.
Sending prayers and wishes from the heart that all will work out.

LindaG said...

Glad to hear things are going so well, Gail.
Your cows look great to me. I bet they will be fine.
*hugs* ♥ God bless.

LilliStJohn said...

You gotta hang a GPS around his neck, so you can keep tables on him. WOW, the cows look happy and you have flowers. I raked yesterday around front and one side of property and found teenie weenie buds sprouting just above the earth. Thankyou Mother Nature. The Canadian Geese have just arrived at the pond, and what a joy to hear them honking at each other as they pass over the house. Lovely photos Gail and give TM and Marcy a hug :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail I am so happy Tractor Man is home this is going to be easier for both of you. I just know he is going to be excepted and things are going to work out. Take care of yourself too OK I worry a little. HUGS B

Dreaming said...

How wonderful to have him home and not to have to travel back and forth and fret about that.
I totally understand the maggots and mushrooms ;-)

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love that life is cautiously returning to normal as Spring starts appearing on the farm. Wishing blessings and beautiful moments to all of you, lots of fruit and flowers, very few snakes, and plenty of green stuff for contented cows! :-)

DesertHen said...

Glad to know that Tractor Man is home! Sounds like he is keeping you on your toes what with running off unannounced and all. Men!

Enjoy the green of spring! The tulips are so pretty!

Carol Henrichs said...

Gail, what an ordeal you have both been through. Soon it will all be behind you, at least until life's next trial comes your way. You are a good woman. Your hubby is a lucky man. I bet the farm looked real nice to both of you once you got him home. I wish you both lots of uneventful, peaceful springtime moments.

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