a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday Centus 155...The Horrid Dr. Baker

“Dr” Baker began a cancer healing center in Eureka Springs in the Crescent Hotel.  It was a ruse to take money and experiment without restrictions.

We were told of a “quiet room” where patients were kept for their treatments. The Rooms were sound proofed so the screams could not be heard.

“This will just pinch a little” as the loaded syringe with a cocktail containing carbolic acid was injected into the patients five times a day.

The screams echoed unacknowledged and unheard by love ones who sent money.

I imagine the patients are in charge now as they treat Norman daily while his screams remain unheard.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Can you imagine the horrors of such places? I certainly wouldn't want that man's karma, nor to be at the mercy of angry spirits most surely roaming the place now!

LindaG said...

Good post Gail.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

I think Hell has a special section for people like Dr. Norman Baker.

Good job!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I checked out the website, have you been there? i like the cabins. would not stay in that spooky old house, i know there are things under those beds for sure.

Irene said...

Oh, that's scary! I imagine that Dr. Baker is paying for his evil sins now in some horrid place in hell. All his poor patients deserve a special place in heaven where all tortured souls live.

LilliStJohn said...

I went to the link and read - WOW, that would send me over the edge as a family member - how sad and unfortunate for all those that believed there was a cure - there could have been a cure for cancer probably years ago in today's life, except there is too much money being made off it??

Mary Aalgaard said...

Frightening, isn't it. The horrors that people can inflict on each other is incomprehensible.

Play off the Page

Viki said...

I will bookmark the link to read more in depth but what I saw it looked creepy. Unfortunately, today I'm afraid things still happen like that.

DesertHen said...

What a creepy tale of unjust treatment of those poor souls! I'm sure they are in charge now and Dr. Baker gets no rest for they have revenge to exact on him...over and over and over again!

Eden House News and views said...

Makes my ouch seem nothing

Pat said...

Wait. This is an actual place? Yuck! But you made it scarier!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I have thought often of the treatments they had for patients years ago..and the places such as this that existed. I have to wonder, and please, if someone reads this whose treatement was successful, reads this..do NOT yell at me. It's only my opinion...no one elses.
I have to wonder if one day they will find that "Chemo" helped kill patients with certain types of cancer. It seemed my daughter was an experimental patient. She seemed to be improving when she got to deaths door and the treatments were stopped...then when they began once again after she rallied, she went straight downhill and died. I pray I die before they announce they made a mistake. I don't want to live to hear they were wrong.

Gail..your comment on my latest post was ...just
THANK YOU!! You are so dear to me!

Farm Girl said...

Wow that just gave me shivers. One can only hope.

Pamela said...

I'm just getting caught up -- finding out about what is going on in your life. Prayers joining with yours for miracles and blessings.

Brian Miller said...

you know i love it when you go dark...ha...wicked write...smiles...have a great week gail...

Susan Anderson said...

I agree with Brian. Love it when that dark side comes out.


Jenny said...

My imagination always runs away with me when I see buildings like that.


This made me shiver.

And actually made me palms sweat.

Great writing.

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