a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Flash 55...

Playing nice with the G-man with a tale of Crooked Creek...with my apologies...FICTION MEANS FICTION!  I wrote a true tale...so sorry.  Will try to tell a wilder one next week.
Too cold to swim this sunny day he shared the wild tale of floating this Crooked Creek on cheap air mattresses with cousins.

The creek flooded from rains far behind them and the mattresses went almost flat.

Returning to the car parked on high ground the rangers had already gathered to look for floating bodies.


TexWisGirl said...

i hope that was fiction. :)

g-man said...

Boy Gail, what an upbeat little tale!
But as the author you can write what you wish.
The truth is, this was a superb 55!
It was perfect in every sense of Flash Fiction
Thank you so much for playing
Please have a Kick Ass Week End

Irene said...

I don't care what anybody says, I like it. I was short and to the point and said a whole lot, which is just what a very short story should do. Thanks!

Country Gal said...

Steven King look out you have competition with this gal .

Brian Miller said...

oh my, but i bet it was a fun ride while it lasted, though i bet they dont try it again...ha...my neighbor got caught in a tree trying to kayak way above flood stage...got the nastiest bit of poison oak from it too

Deb said...

nice photo...

Yvonne Osborne said...

That doesn't look like any fun at all! Probably because it's so cold out my back door. Crazy photo. Thanks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am just happy to see you writing again.. taking the week end off, no post until monday.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Real or not, it does happen. You certainly had me!

Susan Kane said...

The brevity made the story all the more compelling! Brrr. Cold water is only for teen-agers.

Susan Anderson said...

Glad there were no bodies to be found!


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