a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poem In Your Pocket/Poetry Jam

What'ssss in your pocketesessss?
Gollum asked.
No rings nor treasures
No fortunes amass

Every day is different
Depending on what is found
But there's always something
Picked up from the ground

Today I have a screw
A broken piece of glass
A fossil from long ago
A flint chip from the past

Every day my pockets
Tell a different tale
Sometimes it's damp tissue
Sometimes a rusty nail

So when you ask
How was your day
You only have to peek
Pockets mirror the way
Joining the fun at Poetry Jam. for a Poem In Your Pocket Day.


Rose said...

How beautiful you write once again!
How are you doing my friend? x

Grace said...

Those pockets do give it away ~ That was some interesting trail to get those things ~

alan1704 said...

There is a lot of truth in here. I had a rusty screw in my pocket today and that summed up my experience. Very reflective and i liked it.

Helen said...

I enjoyed this reflection ... I am attempting to install bi-fold doors today ~~~ small screwdriver and whatever you call the 'things' that anchor the door to the floor are in my pocket right now!

Brian Miller said...

smiles...fits with my boys as well...they pick up some of the craziest things....ha...and they all have a story to tell...nice bit of reflection gail...

Mary said...

Interesting things sometime end up in one's pockets. I like your collection and think it could be used for a short story in addition to a poem. Smiles.



Deb said...

Have the same thing happen too...

TexWisGirl said...

so funny - i always pick up trash around here, too. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Perfect prose Gail- you are really good at this!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I bet the pups wish it was dog treats!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

The family just watched "The Hobbit" last night....so the Gollum reference was certainly not lost on this old gal. I envy you being able to scout about and find the treasure......precious. Oma Linda

Country Gal said...

Nicely done ! Papa here well lord knows what he has in his pockets , everything goes in his pocket lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good evening !

Lynne said...

Stay close to the poetry . . . it is "the gift" that speaks for you!

Sandy Livesay said...

The insides of pockets always gives it away!

LindaG said...

Great little piece, Gail. Enjoyed it. ♥

Dave King said...

Superb, this. Clever in all the best ways. A very enjoyable read.

LilliStJohn said...

Clever - I can totally relate to this poem - I never know what my pockets will hold, before each walk, but you can bet there is always a find. Well Done Gail :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy to see you back on the poetry train. i like this and it fit my son Daniel when he was young, i never knew what i would find in his pocket. like red crayons that colored everything in the dryer tie died. i like the last shot, the old shot gun shell and that rust thingy, what ever it is.

Laurie Kolp said...

So true... full pockets = adventure.

Sarav said...

This poem really made me smile--pockets that tell the tale of the day :-) funny all the things that end up there

Peggy said...

I like the idea of pockets mirroring the days. Nicely done.

Susan Anderson said...

They really do, and that's especially true with children. My boys used to carry a whole day in their pockets.


Mary Ann Potter said...

Beautifully done. (Great photos, too!) Kids and stuffed pockets and wonderful images here.

Anonymous said...

Way to add a little danger to the everyday by weaponizing your pockets lol Enjoyed your poem very much =)

DesertHen said...

Your pockets are full of treasure and amazing tales! Loved the poem!

Unknown said...

I'll be sure to check all pockets at the end of the day to see what has been found!

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