a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Poetry Jam Castle of Glass..

Playing with Poetry Jam...

Just a small thing
A spot on daily life
Like a rock ping
On a car window

Super glue and Duct Tape
Couldn't do the job
Life pushed that ping
From a dot to cracks
Far and wide

Holding the glass together
With bleeding fingertips
Hopelessness is obvious
In my slippery grip


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

great poetry.....ouch. Oma Linda

Manzanita said...

The lament of driving gravel roads.

Susan Lindquist said...

Ugh ... sometimes life's pings DO become much bigger and more overwhelming ... what a great metaphor you've grabbed here! Keep that supply of duct tape, though! It's a real life saver!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am praying your PINGs stop soon and the glass is mended and your fingers can stop

Country Gal said...

Well Papa's ping in his windshield is more of a splat and crack now lol ! Gona get it replaced soon lol ! Awesome poem ! Have a good day my friend !

Lynne said...

Great poetic creating . . . your car window? Careful with those slippery fingers, sharp edges . . .

TexWisGirl said...

i do feel that same way today. fractured and falling to pieces. tomorrow will be better.

Irene said...

You're holding it together in more ways than one. And that duct tape may come in handy in many instances too. Keep it close by. Lovely poem, very clever. You are doing well! xox

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You don't need anymore pings right now!

Anonymous said...

This says so much about so many things in life. Well done; one of your best.

Helen said...

Pings! Curses! I will think of them as little gems, pebbles along the path of life.

They make duct tape with patterns now ~~ will mending our cracks be less painful??

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I hear deeper meaning in "Holding the glass together With bleeding fingertips". just saying.

Laurie Kolp said...

Amazing... the final stanza, especially.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Wonderful job on the prose sweetie.

Painfully wonderful... Life!

You guys take care and have a beautiful day!

Prayin' that all your cracks will be mended soon and very soon :o)

Brian Miller said...

when you dont take care of the little pings they become big cracks...somethings we just cant hold together as well..

Josie Two Shoes said...

Life has a way of doing that, of cracking us wide open over and over again, but that is also when we are often most able to feel the warmth of the Son shining on us! Hugs to you, hoping that your duct tape holds up for awhile, time to go for a walk and take us with you!

Deb said...

Tomorrow is a better day

LindaG said...

Good piece, Gail. *hugs* ♥

Mary said...

So true that some cracks super glue or duct tape just can't mend. I got a ping on my car windshield within DAYS of buying the new car (years ago), and the ping is still there, hasn't spread; and I don't even think about it anymore. (But at the time I was heartsick.) Thanks for taking part in Poetry Jam.

Pat said...

Wow - this is powerful! And so true. A seemingly small "ping" grows into a bigger problem that needs to be dealt with.

Susan Kane said...

A very profound poem, Gail.

We got pinged yesterday, and now are cracked. New car, too.

Peggy said...

Good response to the prompt--I hope it is not a description of something in your life! Skillfully done!

Michaele said...

This runs deep. But resilience runs deeper.

Mary Ann Potter said...

All those little pings become big bangs if we're not careful. A well-constructed poem!!!

(By the way, I enjoyed seeing those gun images on your blog. We are believers in the second amendment, too!)

Susan Anderson said...

This works well on every level. Well done, Gail.


Anonymous said...

Yikes this poem is a great metaphor. Excellent job

artbyrae said...

a very small ping can turn into a very big break....car glass or relationship the smallest of chip can ....do big damage. great poem!!

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