a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, May 6, 2013


I can't say
I do not dream
I feel my eyes
Move quickly
Observing worlds
As I sleep
I dream
But the memories of it
Slip away
And lay on the edge
Just out of reach
Enough to be strangers.
Playing with Real Toads


21 Wits said...

Lovely images through your poem and photo.

21 Wits said...

Lovely images through your poem and photo.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't remember my dreams either.
I think that's because they are boring though...

TexWisGirl said...

nice one.

this week i've been having vivid, detailed dreams and waking up from them with memory of them.

LindaG said...

So true!
Another good one, Gail. :-)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Yes, we all know that feeling, then occasionally there comes a dream that is so vivid it is almost real.
Lynne x

Sandy Livesay said...

For me, dreams are premonitions of what's to come.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i dream almost every night, and they are always bad, sometimes nightmare bad, but mostly just bad dreams, sometimes several. sometimes i wake up and can remember all of it, sometimes none. some over the counter meds make them worse.

LilliStJohn said...

You hit the nail right on the head there with your poem Gail - that's exactly how I feel with some dreams, other dreams I remember in great detail, some I do not. Ever have a dream and wake up before its finished - ha,ha I close my eyes and try to finish it and sometimes I fall right back into the dream?? Loved your poem.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail your photo had me dreaming and your poetry always blows me away. Hug B

Irene said...

You always dream, but don't remember all of them. Maybe that is for the best. Who knows what the ones we forget were about? Pretty poem!

the canned quilter said...

Lovely image and poem!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I love this poem. Most of the time....me too. And for that I am glad, I guess. Because, some I do remember and wish that I hadn't. Oma Linda

Farm Girl said...

Lovely. I think you captured it perfectly.

Dreaming said...

Your poem is wonderful... and so true. I can see your thoughts resonate with everyone!
I had a strange dream last night... now, what was it?!!

Susan Kane said...

So beautifully written. I loved this: "...Just out of reach
Enough to be strangers."

When I was a child, we called those lovely flowers "flags", tho I do not know why.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love everything you write, you KNOW that..but for some reason, this is my favorite so far! IF I even have a favorite.
Best of all..you are continuing to write! Yes..best of all!!

Anonymous said...

The art is lovely, but the poem was so unusual! I have always considered dreams a Technicolor, memorable "given." I fly, dare, create awful poetry (if I wake up and write it down, it's always horrible the next day, ha ha).

"Just enough out of reach to be a stranger" is so good. You're saying the dreams are there and yet, only in last night... lovely. Amy

Margaret said...

The last two Iines are awesome and I like the thought of dreams just out of reach of our fingertips. Goes well with the photo.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Dreams seem to take many forms - re-shaping the past, shaping the future or simply offering an alternative reality. Strange how some linger and may repeat while others seem to slide away!

Brian Miller said...

smiles...you start with a beautiful picture...and bring on the dreams...the part that struck me is that they sit on the edge there almost like strangers.....

Susan Anderson said...

If I tell myself to remember my dreams before I go to sleep, I do.

And boy, do I find some interesting things out about myself!!


♥ Helen said...

That photo - I love it.

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