a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, May 4, 2015

Alex, Mad Snapper and Wild Flowers

I have tried multiple times to capture 
this beautiful waxy wild flower
from the Buttercup family.
Need to take some more camera lessons
from the Mad Snapper.
Red clover is the only evidence other than total damage to field and creek that Entergy Power left. We were supposed to be fully seeded with no damage.  Comedians, I guess, cause they certainly were not people that respected land.
Another wild flower, this time in the Aster family.
All these are identified for Alex 'cause he always asks,
 "But what kind is it?"
Confirmation that dandelions can grow anywhere.
Look closely.  
There is a tiny frog in the center no larger than my thumb nail.
I'm guessing it is a Blanchard's Cricket Frog. 

Alex has a new science fiction novel published,
 a blog with movie reviews and great information.
He even takes time to help insecure writers like me.
Thanks, Alex.
You Rock!


TexWisGirl said...

Disturbed ground brings in new plants. Some welcome. Some not. :-)

Vandana Sharma said...

Lovely shots, such beauty of nature.

Gwen said...

Great shots! Don't undersell yourself! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we get those tiny cricket frogs, i am constantly saving them from our pool.. i love the dandelion in the creek and the white Aster. it is a sad world that there are so many who do not respect the land and our resources.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Gail! And for all the identifications. Because you knew I would ask...
Dandelions are like cockroaches. They would survive any disaster.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I love wildflowers. When we lived in the Colorado Rockies they were basically the only flowers we could "grow". Indian Paint Brush is one of my favorites. Are you familiar with it? Your photos are lovely, Gail. xo Nancy

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Those itty bitty frogs are so cute! Sorry about the damage..they always do that. Have a great Monday!

Maude Lynn said...

What a tiny little frog!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Wild flowers are my favorite around here too although ours are not even in bloom yet!...:)JP

Farm Girl said...

That company did the same thing to my parents place. Tore up 40 acres.
I love your flowers and I like that you named them.

Arkansas Patti said...

Nothing weeds love more than freshly disturbed earth. Still, you do have a colorful bunch. This time of year the pastures are full of buttercups. Pretty for me, not so much for the rancher.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful spring. Hug B

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous wildflowers! Just wonderful photos!

Linda Kay said...

Dandelions. Reminds me of when we were traveling in Europe and sharing with some cousins who live there. We went to this beautiful pristine German town, and there were dandelions in the yard. I asked the cousin about them, as we destroy them in the States, and he said "that pretty little flower?" Go figure!

Gill - That British Woman said...

buttercups remind me of my childhood in England. So perfect those photos.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Eeeeeeeeee, you called yourself a writer! I scared Millie when I squealed. Yay you called yourself a writer--BECAUSE YOU ARE and a darn good one too.

Love frogs. Love.

LindaG said...

We have all those wildflowers, too! At least if we let the grass grow.
No little bitty frogs that I have seen, but we have a lot of toads.

Have a wonderful week, Gail. :-)

Sandy Livesay said...

Great pictures of wild flowers. I'm thinking what great teas you could make with a few of those flowers.

I made your picture bigger to see the frog, he really does blend well.

Lynne said...

I like those Butter Cups . . .
Now I will check out Mad Snapper and Alex!

janetld said...

I like your buttercup photo!
"We were supposed to be fully seeded with no damage. Comedians, I guess, cause they certainly were not people that respected land." UGH, sorry. We may have a high-speed rail train through our rustic neighborhood as well as a second set of high-voltage transmission lines. I sympathize.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

ya know, for some years Sweet Man would toil away at having a suburban lawn. You know the kind with no "weeds or wildflowers" but just the lovely green carpet that made him feel like he was doing his part to make the neighborhood beautiful. Then we got an iguana as a pet. Bob adored dandelions and so I convinced SM that he no longer had to worry about the "extras" that came into the yard by wind or chance or luck. That was at least 30 something years ago. SM still mows (sometimes) but we love to see what Mother Nature blesses us with....sometimes good, sometimes uh not so much but always a surprise.
Love these photos.
We had a devastating hailstorm that wiped out fruit on our trees and bushes and shredded the trees in our neighborhood yesterday and again today. I'll post some pix later this week. Ma Nature musta been PO'd.

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