a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cleaning The Garden Spring...

I don't remember when Dad rocked this spring basin but I do remember when a calf fell in.  Dad could not lift it up and out onto the high ground so he broke the front wall to save the calf.  No one ever built it back but we use it.  This is the second largest spring on our place and is used for garden irrigation, a cool drink as we go by and it ambles down the way to join the creek.

Before I began cleaning this spot there were honey suckles, briers and grape vines growing all along the sides.  It was difficult to get to so my self-assigned chore was clear the brambles.  I did good.  I only fell one time!
I forgot the water flow rate but Den can water his garden sufficiently without any loss of pressure or water.  I really don't need to know the rate as long as it's enough.
Here's the measure of my work.
Bonnie helped, too.


Lowcarb team member said...

Well Done on cleaning out the Spring.

I'm sure Bonnie enjoyed 'helping' too, great to see your pictures, thanks for sharing.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thing to have on your property.

Country Gal said...

Good job looks like there was lots of brush there ! Pretty rocks and water you have there on your property! You fell again ? oh my be careful , Thanks for sharing lovely photos ! Have a good day !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the photo of the spring and that helper and the spring and the oh so innocent looking Bonnie... to bad she will not pull bramles like she does poinciana plants. HEE HEE HEE.. love the shot of the water

Linda Kay said...

I'd guess you had a few aches and pains from all your work on this, and you did a great job. What fun to have a spring at your place!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The last time I cleared brush I got poison ivy. I'm not going to let it stop me, but I'm not quite as anxious to get out and clear fence as I was last year.
:( We have a spring across the road and two on our place. We haven't walled them in. One is a real mire in the spring, and probably will be piped one day so that we can bush hog around it.

TexWisGirl said...

how neat to have a natural spring on your place!

Arkansas Patti said...

Bet that is sweet water. That was quite a job you accomplished. How nice to have had an attentive supervisor.

Farm Girl said...

That is one thing I would love to have is a natural spring.
You are so blessed.

C-ingspots said...

How cool is that!? Does the spring just bubble up out of the ground? What a wonderful thing to have on your property! I loved the part about your dad breaking the wall to save the calf! My sweet daddy would have done the same thing to save a life. :) Oh my, this June 3rd, had he lived, would have been his 95th birthday! He's been gone 20 years, and I still miss him so much it hurts. I applaud you for only falling once!! Awesome job!!

Sandy Livesay said...

Did the calf survive after being saved from the spring? What a great source to have on your property.

Anonymous said...

This is a blessing, to be able to have access to this, and to take care of it. Very cool.

Susan Kane said...

Left with memories of the spring nearby, and they are amazing!

Bless your grandfather!

Gill - That British Woman said...

always good to have a supervisor overseeing a job!

LindaG said...

You did a lot! Way more than I did. Congratulations! ♥

Mary Ann said...

Oh, Gail, I can't believe a year has gone by since you cleaned the spring last spring! How could it have flown so fast!

21 Wits said...

Oh Bonnie you are a great helper! Your dogs always make me smile, no matter what they're up to! Lucky you having your own natural spring water, there are a few near me, and once when I took our well water in to be checked, he said this is the real good stuff, you can't buy this in the stores! I hope it stays that way....but some folks around here....grrr. My little grandson Mason (5) said grandma why don't most people like dandelions? Good question!

CountryMum said...

How wonderful it is that you have a spring on your property!

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