a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


the world stops spinning and takes a moment to smile.  Tuesday night was one of those times.

This night a sixteen year old young man, a farmer from upstate New York, won The Voice.  His rendition of  "Old Man" gave me chills while he played guitar.
*TraePatton/NBC photo credit

The innocence and God given talent that is Sawyer Fredericks took center stage in a world where pomp and extravagance usually rules.  This night goodness and talent won.

Sawyer, the youngest to win in The Voice history, did so with grace, humility, and love.

It's nice when a good guy wins.  Congratulations, Sawyer!  Sing on!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

I liked some of his songs. Some were not so great, but for as young as he is he did well! I also liked Joshua Davis:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is a talented young man and also a good person. i hope winning does not send him down the same path other young people have followed and lost their way. i am thinking of Lee Ann Rimes and a couple of others.

Sandy Livesay said...

Very talented young man. Thank you for putting up the link so we could watch him win, and listen to him sing. He reminds me of another very talented teenager I know who plays the guitar. I wonder who that is???

LindaG said...

The young lady that took 4th is from somewhere down here in Louisiana.

Blessings, Gail. ♥

Susan Kane said...

I had not heard of him, so will go looking. When someone whose voice is pure wins, everyone wins.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I did hear him last night it gave me chills too. I am happy he won. Hug B

1st Man said...

We've been watching all season and he was our fave too. Such a pure, young, amazing talent. Will definitely buy his album!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love when the good guy winds.

Maude Lynn said...

He was my pick!

LilliStJohn said...

I don't have TV, so didn't watch, but I did follow your link to hear him sing and then follow his link to facebook. Really different voice and one I could listen to easily - like you can feel his music so easily - he sings with everything he's got. Thanks Gail for the link. Bravo Sawyer :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I don't keep up with these things. This has always been one of my favourite songs. Bill plays it. We are both Neil Young fans. Nice to see old songs played well.

Lowcarb team member said...

We too have 'The Voice' and similar programmes here in the UK.

It is good to give those who wish to sing and perform the opportunity to do so ... and sometimes you get to hear an amazing voice.

Thanks for sharing

All the best Jan

Arkansas Patti said...

I listened to" Old Man" while reading this and loved it. Congrats to such a special talent. He almost sounds like he is from a much earlier time that somehow we lost but shouldn't have.

Lynne said...

It was a good win for Sawyer and The Voice . . .
I was pulling for the Michigan guy . . . he was very good too.
Something special about a sixteen year old becoming "the star" though . . .

janetld said...

Yes, a very talented young singer. I was rooting for him.

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