a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, May 11, 2015

How High's The Water, Marcy? or Water World

At three AM this morning it was pretty darn high.  I could see only with the lightning.  Marcy's house and ours were islands.  We were grateful there was no bad storms with it.
After the water receded
in Marcy's yard
five hours after the peak
I'm glad it was dark.
This is the "dry ditch" beside Marcy's house.  You can tell from the grass it was much higher.  I tried to take pictures in the dark...doesn't work.
This was all running water before daylight.  Yep, that's a lawn chair.  The water almost reached our house and did flow strongly around Marcy's.  Much like another storm two years ago only more rain this time.

We are safe.  The ponds are full.  Some roads are gone and much land has washed down the creek. The work waiting is overwhelming to even think about so like Scarlett O'Hara, I will think about it tomorrow.


Far Side of Fifty said...

You got rain! Too much apparently...glad there no twisters with it:)

TexWisGirl said...

glad you are safe! the worst missed us here and hit not too far to the east in van. poor folks...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so glad the rain stopped and it did not get higher, this is really scary looking. sorry about all the extra work, like you need that... glad you are all safe and sound. love the creek pic

Anonymous said...

When it rains out your way it doesn't fool around.

Linda Kay said...

Looks like the rain really dumped around the Dallas area yesterday, as there were lots of pictures of flooding on Facebook.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

My word! Are you in Texas? I heard there was flooding there. Happy you're ok, but I know flooding can cause major issues.

Aqsa Manzoor said...

That's quite the work for you!
Glad you are safe.. to do it! ;)

Farm Girl said...

Gosh so much rain, my sister has been posting pictures and it looks like they have rivers where there were roads. I am glad it is receding so fast. I am glad you were all safe.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

It's not rained that much here. I wondered about you when I heard about the storms coming your way.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, you really did get a soaking. So glad there was no structural damage though it sounds like there will be some yard and road work.
We got 5 inches but my property has super drainage away from my home so I got lucky.

Carol Henrichs said...

Wow, looks like you got lots more rain that we did. We got the Goldilocks rain--just the right amount. At least it wasn't accompanied by those nasty tornadoes or that awful snow out west.

Susan Kane said...

Now, THAT'S rain! Can we build a pipe line to your house? That seems to be the thought in Calif.

Dreaming said...

I am thinking that maybe I should stop complaining about our measly two inches of water!
Wow! You guys really got it.
Do you have a basement that gets flooded when the water is that high? That would be awful!
Glad you didn't float away!

LindaG said...

"How high's the water Momma? Three feet high and rising."

So glad you are all safe! Our rain was nothing compared to yours.

Better to let that work wait until it is safer, anyway.
Have a blessed, safe week, Gail. ♥

Lynne said...

WOW . . . WOW . . . WOW . . .

21 Wits said...

Oh goodness, I thought we had a lot of rainy days! So sorry. Your last photo is beautiful!

LilliStJohn said...

I am glad to hear that you are all OK and the rain has receded - that can be pretty scary. That's a lotta water round M's house. I think I said those same words when the basement flooded here, sitting on the cellar steps "How high's the water Momma? Three feet high and rising." WE got four and 1/2 feet of water in the basement - that was a most unusual year. Glad you guys are on higher land and just think about the treasures you will find when all that water falls back even further, eh. lol

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wow, glad it didn't reach your house. That is a lot of water.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Goodness that must have been a lot of water. Glad you all are safe.

Sandy Livesay said...

I promised I didn't ship all of our rain to you :-)

I'm glad to hear you and yours are okay. When these storms roll through they sure do create havoc.

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness, what a lot of rain. You may have needed it but it would have been nice to not have had so much all at once!

The important thing is that you are safe.

Thank you for sharing your photo's, I liked the last one - it had a calm feel about it.

All the best Jan

Susan Anderson said...

Seeing all that beautiful water makes me jealous! California is dry as a bone.


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