a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Jobs With Some Progress

Mom's ferns are planted on the north side of the farm house.  I have cared for them since '99.  Every year I wonder if I've killed them and they always surprise me.  The old sets may not leaf out but there's always plants.  Never as beautiful as when Mom cared for them but hey, I should get some points for not killing them.  This is my before...
and after.  Less green in the second shot but I only removed the spring weeds.  I left the leaves to help mulch and feed the ferns.  They do like it better when it feels like a forest floor.
The plumbing and rocks, of course, are my addition.  Mom would laugh and say I had trashed her fern bed.  The broken water pipe holds a solar lamp.  The sink holds my Southwest rocks and the down spout water runs into the sink, over them and into the fern bed.  The white rocks, to keep dogs from digging, are my Mt Ida rocks.  The ferns will grow larger as the season progresses as will the House Leak plant at the front of the sink.
As I pull the grass around the spring fronds, I can't help but wonder why the grass was soooo wet in one spot.  Having two male dogs, I quickly skipped to morning dew, yep, that's it, morning dew.
Mom's snowball bush is doing well. 
Then I see my next job!
 I see the beauty that is
and can be 
as I look at the small spot that's cleaned.


Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely post Gail.

I do like your 'Mom's snowball bush'.

Ferns do seem to do well, they tend to like shade best I think. In a previous house they used to grow well right at the back or far end of the garden around some trees. Always unfurling their fronds - good to see.

Have a nice weekend - there is always plenty to do it seems.

All the best Jan

LilliStJohn said...

I have seen the "snowball bush" growing on one one my neighbours property and it is so beautiful when in bloom. We spent the day raking and cleaning yesterday and low and behold I have tulips peeking up outta the ground. How excited I was. I love this season of discovery and growth. Your ferns look lovely and would do nothing but flourish along that wall with warmth and water and TLC. Have a lovely Saturday. I am going to a Craft Sale at the Fire Hall today. Hgz to M lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a huge fan of ferns, any type ferns and these are one of my favorites..i like the curly cues on this one to... good job on the rocks to keep you know who from digging "good luck with that". LOL
the snow ball pics are gorgeous.

Linda Kay said...

The ferns are so pretty when they are unfurling, so enjoyed your post this morning.

Vandana Sharma said...

Nature makes its way anywhere and but needs a little care and you have done well!!!

TexWisGirl said...

haha! laughed at the 2 male dogs inference. :)

21 Wits said...

You get lots of points if I can hand them out, bravo and I just know your mama is smiling down in great joy!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Um, I'm guessing that was not morning dew! HA! I love your mom's snow bush- already with blooms- gorgeous!

Gwen said...

I agree that mom IS smiling down on you, this post, and chuckling about the rocks.

If you have rabbits, their droppings are about the best fertilizer around. Seriously. When we had rabbits, we kept the droppings in old coffee cans for that very purpose. ;)

Anonymous said...

We have ferns, too. They will take over, if you let them. They reproduce like crazy! They are nice background plants.I use them against the garage, with other plants in front of them.

You did a very nice job. Your mom must be smiling on you!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

There are so many of my Mom's plants that I "commune with" and tend to in my garden as well. Sometimes it's like I'm communicating with her spirit as I take care of those plants she loved so much. I love your post. xoxo Oma Linda

Arkansas Patti said...

Ferns are a favorite of mine and I like the bed you have created for them. Hope the rocks keep the dogs from digging. They don't slow Callie down here.

Gill - That British Woman said...

we had a super snowball bush at our last house.

LindaG said...

Lovely yard. Beautiful snowball bush.
Hope you all have a blessed Sunday, Gail.

gld said...

Mom had a bed of ferns on the north side of her house too. Strange, I never got a start from her. She really wasn't much of an ornamental gardener.

We have to learn to appreciate our small jobs when finished and not think about the huge ones remaining! I look out the window often to see a bed I have just finished....not looking beyond to huge beds not started.

Lynne said...

FERNS . . . I love them in my gardens. I am not an all things perfect in their own little corner of garden space person. I like the "pop ups" here and there. Ferns do just that, especially where there is moisture and some moss.
Love your snowball bush too!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Gail the flowers are so beautiful - spring just makes me smile all over. :) There's a guy here at the mission who used to own a nursery. I bought a fern in a hanging basket a couple of weeks ago and he came to tell me that if I wanted it to live and grow well I should get a 5 gallon bucket of water and immerse the whole thing when it was time to water. He said to leave it 2 or 3 hours immersed. I've never heard that and have no bucket here to do it with but I thought I'd pass that on. blessings, marlene

Michaele said...

That's quite a responsibility keeping these heritages alive. So glad you are doing this.

Laurel's Quill said...

I have ferns in my courtyard and they spread like wildfire. I have to cull them every year...otherwise they would take over the courtyard. But I love their green lushness.

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