a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Monday, February 29, 2016

Reflections With Lizzy

Spring pond with Lizzy
Top pond
water garden
Top pond reflections
Lizzy at the New pond definitely not thinking about swimming.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

This N That

fungi on a log

Here I share tiny pieces as we all do, glimpses into parts of our daily lives. This is not a reality show so you don't get the in your face daily living dramas, tragedies and triumphs...not all of them so I'm gonna hit some highlights.

Marcy, my oldest sister, has passed her tests and remains cancer free for another year.  The tests and checks are getting farther apart.  I do the driving.

Beverly, my second sister (yep, I'm the baby), is still operating The Shop, mostly by herself. I go up now and then to help.  Things are still moving out and moving on.

Hubby is holding steady on his heart health but I can tell some days are worse than others. We are relatively young, he 64 and I 61, but we seem to be going downhill.

Our outings are mostly grocery and doctor runs,

We have a boomerang child.

Andrew graduates this year.

We no longer have any livestock.  Down to one rooster...they were quite old.

Hubby has the garden plowed for spring planting.

We have a list of work that NEEDS to be done as long as all our arms put together.

Sadly the elders here all woven together would not make one healthy person but we keep on keeping on.

On the brighter side, we are still here, pecking away at daily living.  We have acreage to explore, fishing, hunting, fresh water, sunshine and rain.  We are blessed.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Perpetual Game Of Stick

Sorry for the butt shot but you can't miss these natural bob tails!
They always steal poor Lil's stick. I try to sneak Lil a stick of her own.  A fun game for a bunch of miss matched farm dogs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gardening At The Shop

 Beverly always plants a little garden in the sandy soil at the shop.  She digs it by hand and nurses her seedlings to produce from nothing.
 Hubby does the bush hogging around the shop and some road work when needed.  This year he took the disc to her garden spot that is close enough to see customers when they pull in for shopping.
 He added some top soil and disc that in the mix.
The soil is a little richer so I hope her garden does well this year.  When there are no customers she tends her garden.  The customers seem to enjoy seeing her working.  One customer asked me, "Is that your sister I see folded up like a little Vietnamese lady pulling grass?"  Yep, that's my sister.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Other Side Of Stoned

My life just brims with daily excitement. 
Last week I did a clean up from eroded soil, plant debris and dog play on one side of one water garden.  A few days later I did the other side.  We've had some warmer days lately.

Don't fear water gardens!  This is just something I do every year or two with the rocks.  The only regular maintenance is removing leafs, pulling weeds and topping off the water now and then.
 Another OCD sort with my Mt Ida crystals
Likes together 
Fossils and I suspect some sort of rapidly cooled rock...
Fun with rocks and rusty wire
You knew I had to throw some weird in there!
Solid and safe.  People and pet access improved and expanded.
Now we wait for rain....

Monday, February 22, 2016

How Long

it take
 to cross a rock?
Much longer than I ever dreamed.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Good to see bees on the first jonquils
of spring.
The Blanket Moss begins to grow in the waterways.
Spring is close if not here.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Fishing With Me

Retrieved my fish bait from my worm pit/compost pile, grabbed my purple rod and reel as Hubby gathered his little tackle box with all his lures etc.  Headed off in the Gator to the top pond with out the dogs that can't stay outta the water.  Lizzy got to go because you know she doesn't care too much for swimming.
Hubby starts reeling the bass in before I even get my bucket of worms unloaded.  My first cast I hang on a log and have to break the line.  Hubby says they're feeding deep so I trudge back to the Gator to get a float to hold my hook at the right depth.  I cast again.  

Oops!  Tangled up in a Button Willow in the edge of the pond and I'm NOT losing another hook, much less a floater.  After I retrieved the clippers from the Gator, off with my shoes and jacket. Pushed my pants legs up as far as they would go and stepped carefully into the mucky bottomed pond to save my float. Success.  Muddy feet are happy feet.
Contemplating which worm would be prime bait I wondered if they could feel that hook as I strung their little bodies on it.  Fished all my life and, believe me, the way they wiggle, they feel it! My line is still not in the water.
I was distracted by a rock.  Who, me??
I found another rock that fit my pocket.
Then decided to change fishing spots since I had no bites...
remember my line is not in the water.
Lizzy finds her spot
and I find mine far across from Hubby
where he continues to notify me with glee of how many he's caught!
My mess of fish is growing too!
Final tally...Hubby six, me twelve...but who's counting.
His stringer may be bigger but we all know size doesn't matter.
Mine were released into the spring pond
we're having Bass for supper.

Rumor Has It

this creature 
will outlast us all.
the immortal.
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