Hubby worked on the county road system and emergency management for years. Last Wednesday he shared an old cemetery with me he knew I did not know.
The first thing I imagined was the horses used to pull these large stones into place for the steps front and back. The second thing I noticed was the sound of pigeons in the bell tower. Every thing eventually goes back to nature.
It's good to see that people try to preserve history here. I noticed the hand quarried stones in the foundation and was saddened by the poor shape of the building. I wondered how much longer people would care.
There were stones so old they almost could not be read.
I was reminded how rough life was during these times when I discovered these stones.
One child that lived and the mother did not live to see her baby grow up.
Such a lost I can't even begin to fathom.
Two days after her last birth/death the mother died.
Puts things into prospective.
Life has improved.
We are truly blessed to not know this sorrow.
I appreciated the history Hubby shared
but I left with an ache in my heart for those gone before me.