a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thank God and Andrew!!!

Who knew my thirty-two hundredth post (not counting the ones I've posted and then deleted) would be about a miracle.
Spring jobs we have not been able to finish have been calling our name.  Cleaning gutters and fixing roof leaks were two of those jobs.
The handy dandy Kubota tractor with bucket got them to the roof
 and the leak fixing began.
On to the other side of the house to clear some gutters that were giving us problems. Hubby told Andrew to stay down and operate the bucket but Andrew did not obey.  He climbed the bucket like a monkey after he delivered Hubby to the roof. He helped. 

The roof was wet because they were cleaning gutters with the water hose and other tools. Hubby hit a wet spot, his feet went out from under him and he began a slide to the edge of the house. Andrew, thinking on his feet, grabbed Hubby quickly by his shirt just as Hubby had reached the edge.  Then much like Bonnie does, Andrew backed up the incline of the roof with Hubby in tow.
The end of the house where Hubby would have fallen is higher than here.  

I'll not go into great detail about how a disabled 65-year-old man should not have been on the roof but then we would have to discuss how stubborn I am too.  We both do what we have to do.

Thanks to God and Andrew, Hubby is unhurt.  He is sore and was very rattled after Andrew pulled him to safety but safe nonetheless.  That is what counts. I'm upset I didn't get pictures of the whole thing!  I was standing at the bottom as if I could catch Hubby and break his fall.


Truedessa said...

That was quite a save by Andrew. So, glad your hubby did not make that fall. Life is full of unexpected events, and you just never know from one day to the next.

Wishing you all a healthy and safe day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Please tell Andrew he is my hero.. when I saw the first pic before I read the story I thought WHAT IS HE DOINGON THAT ROOF? but then I knew the answer. God bless Andrew for stopping what could have been a disaster of hug proportions, my what iffer is in gear and I could list 10 things that could have happened.. like you squashed like a bug. hugs and happy for your miracle.

Lynne said...

YIKES . . .
Praise for Andrew's quick thinking . . .
The work never ends does it . . .
I hope your hubs leaves "slippery roof work" to someone else.
If only there were enough coins in the bucket to hire someone
for jobs like that . . .
Be safe . . .

TexWisGirl said...

oh, andrew. thank you from all of us out here.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What a scare but thank God for Andrew! That's why you keep him around.

Country Gal said...

Oh my glad all are ok . We use a power washer to clean our eves as Papa finds it easier and faster and less messy so it can turned on and off so the shingles don't get wet whist under foot as he has slipped before himself . Great photos of them . Thanks for sharing , Have a good and safe day !

only slightly confused said...

You would have broken is fall alright...and broken a few things of your own. Thank goodness Andrew was there.

21 Wits said...

Oh my goodness tears of joy are falling! Thank goodness for sweet Andrew and how quick and smart he was to respond! Whew, no more roof climbing for hubby! Too scary, oh and thanks to Miss Bonnie too you know her creative ways through the years have taught everyone too! Just another reason why children must grow up around dogs!

gld said...

It's always a good idea to have someone around when you are doing risky work! Bless Andrew. It is frustrating when you can't do work you have done all your life.

Linda Kay said...

Good that you can look back with a bit of humor on this today. I helped my hubby dig up some grass where we are putting stepping stones yesterday, and my back hurts, I have a blister on my hand, and a huge bruise.....stubborn? Guess there is more than one of us! :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, Andrew is not only handsome, talented and kind but he is a hero as well. That was scary and could have had a really unhappy ending. Be proud of that young man Gail.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my goodness, that was a very scary incident. Thank goodness for Andrew.

Take care all of you and hope Hubby's soreness soon goes.

All the best Jan

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Stubborn old people are our stock in trade. Glad Andrew had the good sense to not listen to Den. Hope all is quiet and healing for all of you now. xoxo Linda

Alica said...

Yes...thank God and Andrew too! Glad he's ok!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I now have goosebumps on my neck. This is so frightening. But YES, thanking God for sending a savior (meaning it both ways!). I would have instinctively tried to catch him to break the fall, but that would have injured both of you. People fall off roofs quite a bit around here. Friends of ours, the husband was a contractor. He is young. He was on a roof, and tripped over the cord of an electric tool. He fell from at least two stories. In the hospital forever. Now he is paralyzed from the waist down and has gone though every pain medicine there is. He is in constant nerve pain. And this was maybe six years ago. You were so blessed. Perhaps now he will be a bit more careful. Well, one can hope. You two have been though a year's worth of fright in one day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Tell Andrew he is my hero! He should be on T.V. with this story and they could title it "Hometown Hero". He is such a fast thinker!

Dreaming said...

I can't begin to imagine how you must have felt as your hubby slid toward disaster. Hooray for Andrew not paying heed to staying on the ground!
Glad it all ended up well.

C-ingspots said...

Wow! Thanks to God and Andrew indeed!!! So glad all are okay. :)

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD & Andrew, too. You have a good, good husband. And, you two raised a good boy, too. I am glad all is well. And that you were not squished! *wink*

LindaG said...

Praise the Lord for using Andrew to save Tractor Man!
So glad this is a happy post, Gail.

God bless you all. ♥

Farm Girl said...

Oh Gosh Gail!!! I am so glad Andrew was there to catch him!! You might have both got killed if he hadn't caught him.
I am so glad you didn't have anything happen. God was watching out for all of you.
Praise God!!!

Martha said...

My heart skipped a few beats with this story as I held my breath. I'm so glad everything turned out alright! Thank goodness for your grandson. Thank goodness for happy - and healthy - endings.

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad for your miracle! And I'm thinking this slightly older man needs to think carefully about whathe does too!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Whew, that was a close call! Your hubby is lucky Andrew was there to save him. He's a great guy!
Lynne x

Josie Two Shoes said...

OMG! While I believe that we should all die while doing something we really want to do, this is not the way or the time! Thank God for Andrew! And yes, like you I would be down there fussing and fuming and thinking I would break his fall, ending up with two sets of broken bones! We used to argue with my father about climbing the ladder in winter to shovel snow off the roof on the high side of his house, but nothing would dissuade him or get him to ask someone younger to help. Determined is a good thing to be, but stubborn is not always a good survival plan! ;-) I am so thankful that Andrew saved Tractor Man! <3

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