a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, October 27, 2016

There Are Some Rewards For Aging

but I forget about the senior citizen discount!  Hubby did not forget about buying his life time Arkansas Sporting License (hunting and fishing) for the price of one normal year.
I always enjoy Arkansas Game and Fish displays
but they had moved some.
We saw the Muskrat,
Bass and Otter, 
and the Bald Eagle.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I hope no one actually shot and killed the bald eagle. Unless it was illegally and they were caught.
Sorry, I still don't think there's an upside to this getting older thing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the discounts, we get free drinks at Golden Corral, and most places here are 10 percent off. I am with Alex, I rather not get the discount than be old BUT since there is no way to not get that way, love the discounts. like the big cat habitate was 20 for young and 18 for old. but I gave them the 20 because that is how they feed the cats. all the gardens and parks here have 2 or 3 dollars off to get in but hey charge 2.00 for a bottle of water.

only slightly confused said...

A lifetime for the price of one year. That's a pretty good deal.

LilliStJohn said...

I would love to buy this too for a lifetime, unfortunately no discounts of such a great deal here. Love the Eagle - they are most precious. I love watching them fish here when the tide is low and coming back in. Awesome to see them dive.

Susan said...

Well, I'm glad there is SOMETHING good to be said about aging. That is a very good deal. I doubt if our state would make such an offer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, there are lots of different senior discounts around here. But ironically, my senior memory makes me forget many! Even KFC has one! The skull is so white that it looks bleached! Either by the sun or by man. Don't know if I have ever seen a muskrat, I am thinking they must smell musky all the time? Remember when Musk scent was all the rage? Supposed to attract the opposite sex. I never did like the smell, I think it would only attract other muskrats.You don't really see it anymore.

Josie Two Shoes said...

While I'm not at all fond of the physical aspects of getting older, nor the financial ones, the senior discounts are awesome! We use them for hotels, food, movies, etc. We've been getting senior priced movie tickets for quite awhile now because the young people running the ticket booth thinks Papa Bear's silver hair must mean he is very, very old. LOL We are card-carrying AARP members too, and there are more discounts through them for insurance and stuff. Has to be some silver-linings to the "rusty years"! :-)

Anonymous said...

With age comes wisdom. You have it, too, my friend.

Debbie said...

we are not seniors yet...but i do look forward to the discounts!!!

Arkansas Patti said...

Yes there are pluses to aging that help to make up for the creaky joints. I always ask for senior discounts. Amazing how many people don't know or don't ask.

Lowcarb team member said...

I think the discounts are a good idea ...
But not all like to ask do they, which is a shame.
Having said that you then have those who just assume you are of a certain age and give you a reduced rate ...

All the best Jan

21 Wits said...

Oh this was fun, I like visiting these kinds of places and it seems I always learn something new!

LindaG said...

All nice pictures, Gail. Thanks for sharing and glad you had a good trip.
Blessings to you all.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Take what ever discounts you can get! :)

TexWisGirl said...

good for him. :)

Lynne said...

Hubby was a smart man!

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