a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Andrew's Campsite

Always careful to put out the fire before they leave
 this secluded valley on the back side of the New Ground.
I'm sure many football games were replayed, romances discussed and fire side games played while hot dogs and s'mores were being created.  Strange noises heard at night. The sky visible beyond the trees in this, the place Andrew and his friends have camped many times through their years of high school.

As each move on in their own direction, they try to gather here now and then to catch up.  It is what friends do even though the ball game and high school is over.

Some will move on.  Some will be life time friends.  The future bonfire burns in their thoughts.
The wood awaits the next camp out/catch up.


Buttons Thoughts said...

A perfect place to catch up on the life of friends. Hug B

Lynne said...

I found this a fond thought as I think of my "gatheing" moments
with friends through the years. Great that Andrew and his friends
renewed their "buddy tine" and are building a camp out tradition!

TexWisGirl said...


weekend-windup said...

Place looks good to have a get together...

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a great way to get together with friends.
Lynne x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this story is both sad and happy at the same time. what a beautiful spot to camp in. priceless memories created there in all that wonderful nature...

LilliStJohn said...

What a beautiful area to make memories, and what a lovely place to come back and remember, talk over olde and new times throughout life. Andrew certainly had a great start and I am sure he and his friends will keep this treasure in their hearts.

Farm Girl said...

What a great place for young men to be young men. I am sure they will remember this place for the rest of their lives. It is always important I think for young people to get away and do things like that.

Susan said...

I couldn't have put it better than Farm Girl. There are so many things about living close to nature that make for a better quality of life.

only slightly confused said...

That's a lovely tradition.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

No matter what happens, it will be a special place they always remember.

LindaG said...

Great spot for a campfire.
Blessings to you all, Gail. ^_^

Josie Two Shoes said...

I can imagine what wonderful memories have been made around that campfire, how blessed they are to have such a safe, inviting place to gather! Maybe someday they will bring their own children.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I find this post rather poetic! Especially the part about the future bonfire. It is so wonderful when childhood friends grow up to become adult friends. These kind of friends really KNOW each other in a special way. And the place still awaits them.

Arkansas Patti said...

We should all take time to enjoy a campfire and bond with friends. Beats the starch out of texting. Hope someday your great grands use that same spot.

Martha said...

A wonderful way for friends to spend time together.

Anonymous said...

I still remember the places of my youth. They always remain with us. Andrew will remember, too...as will his friends...wherever life takes them. Hugs.

Lux G. said...

Looks relaxing. Far from the busy streets of the city. Nice!

Lowcarb team member said...

Just catching up with my blog reading. I enjoyed your previous post and I always think it nice for friends to stay in touch (if possible) and enjoy meet ups.
This looks a great place

All the best Jan

Lee said...

It's ages since I've sat around a camp fire.

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