a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Wildflowers or Weeds?

Don't know this name
Heal All has bloomed once this year already.
Knot Weed
Golden Rod
Poor Lizzy mourning her encounter with the infamous Beggar Lice weed.
This weed has no trouble spreading its seeds.


Gorges Smythe said...

As a former beekeeper, my motto is "There are no weeds, only misunderstood flowers." - lol - Personally, I think the "weeds" make the best honey (and some of them are edible).

TexWisGirl said...

aww. poor lizzy.

the first looks a bit like blue mistflower, but not sure.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet sweet lizzie, I hope someone got them out for her. Jake has to stand and let me brush him off to come in sometimes but his fur is short so running my hands up and down makes them fall off.. and spread of course. first time we have ever had them here. I love those purple flowers what ever they are, and the heal all is so pretty

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Clean up on the pet aisle!

gld said...

Could that first one be wild ageratum also called blue boneset and mist flower? I have a Missouri Wildflower book and the blooms look very similar.

Poor Lizzy. I feel the same way when In get it in my hair! and I do.

only slightly confused said...

If you think it's pretty, it's a flower. Poor little Lizzie.

Farm Girl said...

Poor Lizzie, the injustice of it all. I think whatever they are, I would like them and I know our bumblebees would be happy with the purple. I think all of them are pretty flowers and what makes them special is you know their jobs.
Have a lovely day Gail.

Arkansas Patti said...

A rose growing in a corn field is a weed to some. For me, if the plant is pretty I'm for leaving it. I even let Henbit stay longer than necessary.
Poor Lizzie.

Susan said...

Oh, Lizzie! I love anything that flowers because it helps bees and other pollinators. That top flower is just beautiful, whatever it is!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Poor Lizzie! What will you do; give her a bath? There are NO weeds! All are wildflowers. I am convinced that each and every one has a purpose of some sort. Plus they were God's first medicines. They are beautiful and unusual. I always cheer the first dandelion, they are so pretty dotting the yard. Thanks for the goldenrod, I will use his for identification. I still cannot tell goldenrod from wild mustard.

Anonymous said...

My poetry book, Weeds, addresses this issue: flowers or weeds or flowers or weeds...yeah. To each their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ask my LizzyGirl. Our coydog, Polly, used to get into thins like that! ❤

ellen abbott said...

first picture is mistflower or wild ageratum

LindaG said...

Lizzy looks quite miserable. I hope you were (are) able to get them out. :-(

Lovely flowers. So that is golden Rod. We do indeed have a bunch of that growing around here.

God bless you all, Gail.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Whatever the label, they are beautiful. Although... I doubt dear Lizzy will think so.

Lynne said...

Poor thing . . .
Lizzie has muster up some trust again . . .
Smart girl being cautious!

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love the knot weed, it does indeed look like a row of finally embroidered stitches on one of my mother's dishtowels!

Little Lizzy looks quite forlorn after her adventure with the weeds. I'm sure you gave her a hand to get all that pretty fur cleaned and tidy! <3

Ida said...

Lovely no matter if they are weeds or flowers. Poor Lizzy...that weed doesn't sound fun at all.

Lowcarb team member said...

Poor Lizzy

All the best Jan

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