a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Is Art?

I really need to know, in your words, what art is?
Is it my favorite Ariat advertisement?
I am not fishing.  I just think none of my work is art.  How do you know?  The feeling that envelopes me when I am in the doing of it, overwhelms me and takes away, but when I am done, I think, that is not art.

I need some brutal honesty here, please.  Is this art?


T. Powell Coltrin said...

All of these are art-even the posters. Did you paint the others?

Irene said...

'd say that is art! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the people who behold your work have the final say, that's not up to you, Gail. You need to show your work more often and let us enjoy it. It's very nice to look at and it shows another aspect of you.

jc said...

I wouldn't worry about whether or not your work is 'art'. I would care more about whether it moves someone enough to draw a response (positive or negative). I particularly liked your drawing of the man on the horse as it made me think of all the possibilities before us in life and how we should take time to consider each of them before making a decision. Carry on painting!

Razzberry Corner said...

I have no idea what is art, I am not good at pop quizzes like this!! This is too stressful! ;)

Seriously, I like the man on his horse picture! Not everyone is going to like all art, I've seen lots of paintings in the store that cost thousands that I thought were silly. But someone out there liked it, I guess.

You should list and sell your art online - it looks good to me!

NC17 said...

I like your abstract art better than the nature portraits, good work

mj said...

Just my opinion.....
Art: (drawing, painting, sculpture, music, poetry, writing, and many more) all different ways to express yourself, to say something, to show or display a mood, emotion, an action, an event in time....
I believe that everyone has a need for expression. Some people repress that need because they were taught to repress their feelings. I also think that the more ways you can develop to express yourself the healthier you become. "Art" is simply another way to "write" down your thoughts so that maybe someone else can relate to them.
Yes, keep expressing yourself and enjoy it!
Just my opinion....

Rudee said...

I love the woman in the turban. Do I think it's art? Absolutely. Do I think Jackson Pollock's splatters were art (http://kimmco.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/30pollock_lg.jpg) ? No. It's all in the eye of the beholder. If I found one of his paintings in the attic, I'd likely throw it and its millions in the dumpster. Go figure.

Far Side of Fifty said...

If you look at it and smile..it is art! If you enjoy painting..it will come out in the picture! I love to paint..just no time for that hobby lately:)

Rural Rambler said...

Gail, you have to look at these and feel that they are definitely art. Art from your heart. I am totally taken with the horse and rider. In my mind I see this horse as a bay, I see a black mane and tail and a couple of white socks :) The Ariat ad-I am an old Ariat gal from half chaps to paddock boots to roper's and stockman's boots so yeah I would call that art!

I feel a smile in my heart when I look at the vase of flowers, the woman in the turban, the homes behind the white picket fence, even the pup(I'm not a dog person, don't hold it against me), my favorite is the rider on the horse. That to me is art, IMHO. They are art. IMHO. They make my heart smile and they are a treat for my eyes.

Diandra said...

Everything that was made without any purpose besides touching people AND ACTUALLY DOES ITS JOB is art. No matter how much we may like or hate the item in question.

(There is this one book that came out in Germany like 3 years back, "Feuchtgebiete", which I really hated, and many people I know didn't like or actually hated as well, and still it is art. Damn you, art! (^v^) )

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Any product of human creativity is art. No matter what emotion it may bring forth it you or others it IS art. Be it a painting, poster or a snapshot baby ya got art.

God bless and have a marvelous Monday!!!

becky said...

Hello Again Gail!
Well, I guess you already know my opinion of Art from my earlier post "What Makes an Artist" on my blog! We are in concurrence I believe. When I am photographing or working with clay... the time flies & I am in what psychologists call "the flow," where I become completely absorbed in what I'm doing. Would it be great if I could make a living from it? Of course!!! BUT, it is not the reason I am drawn to create. I create to somehow express the beauty (or pain, or happiness or silliness, or whatever) I'm feeling! Some people may look at my "art" & claim it is not... other's may love it~ & that's not up to me! Art is totally subjective also, as "Rudy" expressed when speaking of Pollock.

That said, I do enjoy especially your cowboy at the top, and the flowers at the bottom! I have not yet painted a thing (unless you count fingerpainting in preschool!) but have always envied those who can.

You probably knew I'd have a lot to say on this one!!! Keep on painting! I think we are all artists on the inside~ we just need to get it out... and pay no mind to critics ( I hear they are just blocked artists anyhow! :))

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

That 3rd artwork down takes my breath away. I want to be painted in it, riding my own horse, please?

All of this is art. Art is expressing yourself creatively.

And you do it oh so very well, my friend.


Unknown said...

Of course it's art!!!!!! I think all these lovely gals have already said it all. Just keep em coming!!!!

I esp love the corner lot with the picket fence!! They are all just great!!

Pat said...

Of COURSE it's art, you silly woman! Anything that is pleasing to the eye, even if it is only to the artist's eye, is art. But in your case, it pleases others, too. Also, if it makes you feel good while you are doing it, by all means continue!

Gigi Ann said...

I'm behind in my blogging, lately I've just been lazy or busy. So I am catching up today.

I know squat about art. I can't even draw stick people, but I like all your paintings, however, I have to say my favorite is the dog in the creek. But, I am a dog lover, so of course it would jump right off the screen at me, land right in my lap, and now I am all wet!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

definitely ART... wish i could do this. i have to use the camera. my favorite is the vase of flowers. in the doc office yesterday i sat in the room waiting and staring at a Dali Print on the wall and thinking why would anyone hang that on the wall? yours are better than the Dali by far.

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