a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hey Day...

at work and hay day at home.  Christmas has reached the postal service!  I think every one in town and the surrounding counties had items to mail yesterday and that is good...job security.

I love email but there is something special about getting real mail, not bills, not flyers, but a real, honest-to-goodness handwritten note from someone.  Knowing that someone took the time to send it, makes all the difference in the world. 

Letter writing is a lost art in a time when the world is at our fingertips.  Remember the joy of mail and drop someone a note just to let them know you're thinking of them.

That was not a paid advertisement for the postal service!  I just remember the joy when that was the main way to communicate. 

On the unemployment front, my brother-in-law asked me today how it felt be married to a bum.  I said, no difference, he stills sleeps in the same recliner.

I have to brag on Hubby.  He has worked on duct work, pieces that needed repair and on a few other things under the house...too cold to be fencing.  I am presently sitting close to a vent that wasn't quite warming me yesterday, today my body is warm!  Thank you, my poor unemployed bum of a husband.  I haven't had to give him a honey-do list yet! 

I can't wait to see what he does next!!


T. Powell Coltrin said...

I mailed my one and only pkg last Monday. Yes!

I do miss getting the personal notes in the mail.But I don't like handwriting so I don't get many in the mail.

LindaG said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Have a good day! :)

Country Gal said...

I agree about hand writen cards or letters, soon the next generation wont know how to write due to the computer. I have kept a hand writen journal going for over 25 years and still creative write in the old fashioned way! Pen to paper !I enjoy hand writing I find it relaxing ! Glad all is good with you and the BUM! as you put it,lol Have a great day !

ellen abbott said...

A lot of people complain about the loss of handwritten letters. I can remember anxiously waiting for the mail for a letter, but I get the same delight when I get an email letter.

Pat said...

Well you can thank me in keeping your job secure - I mailed 70 Christmas cards yesterday!

Jules said...

So you are a postal worker, hum! :) Sorry in the same boat as hubby, no mailing for me but you are right. Letter writing is a lost art, wish they would bring it back :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Irene said...

It sounds to me like your husband is not such a bum at all if he's keeping you warm. Keep that list handy just in case. He probably would like to think of things to do on his own, though. Men don't like to be told what to do as a rule.

Sunny said...

I did my Christmas mailing last week and my son called to say that he got his package already!
I totally agree with you about letter writing, in fact, I just wrote about a similar subject on my other blog.
The job market in my area is not good and it gets harder when you're an old gray haired woman!!
☼ Sunny

DesertHen said...

I still need to get my Christmas boxes finished up and my cards done as well. Looks like I will be late again this year...lol.

Letter writing is a forgotten art these days. I remember the joy of getting a letter from my husband (before we were married) as it was the only way to communicate when we were apart...he on a ranch in NV and I in Calif.) The ranch had no phones you see, so letters were the only way and a phone call once in a blue moon when he made it to town.

Golden Eagle said...

Letters are the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Gail, I know I wonder if the generation of today will ever handwrite anything? It truly is becoming a lost art! Glad you are warm and snuggly! I hate to be cold! Traci

John Going Gently said...

to answer your comment


Chickadee said...

I love handwritten letters. I love writing them as well. It has been too long since I've received one or even written one.

Cards are nice, but for some reason, letters are better.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I totally agree in this cyber world there is nothin' like gettin' a handwritten note in a real card to brighten one's day.

Any man who is makin' progress and keepin' your feet warm is no bum in my book! Heeehehe!

God bless ya sweetie!!!

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