a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The One That Sold...

A few asked which painting sold.  I am surprised and honored that someone would think it worthy of purchase.

I am not an artist.  I paint for the love of painting.  When I began I used cardboard because I could always throw it away.  With my first canvas I stood frozen with fright that I might mess it up.  It took me a while to become comfortable on a canvas.  I would paint over many before my sister stopped me saying, progression should never be covered that each of my paintings told a story, a phase of me.

The feeling when I paint is indescribable.  There is nothing but me and the paint.  The paint tells me what to do.  Just as when I write the fingers do the work not me.  Strange, I know but sometimes it's fun being strange.


♥ Helen said...

Nice :) I am glad you the things that makes you happy.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Very pretty.

ellen abbott said...

I get it. It's like that when I draw or sculpt in wax.

LilliStJohn said...

Thankyou for posting your painting - its quite lovely and it is very true what you said about the feeling when you paint. I carry a little note pad and pen with me almost everywhere and when my poetry comes "it's the fingers and the paper" - really strange feeling that overcomes you as you are writing. I understand completely and love "Strange" :)
Have a great day.

LindaG said...

It reminds me of a specific painter, but sadly my brain refuses to recall his name.
I'm not surprised at all that someone liked it enough to buy it. It belongs in a gallery.

Happy Thursday, Gail. *hugs* ♥

Empty Nester said...

I'm so glad you listen to the paint and your fingers! I haven't seen much of your paintings but, if they're anything like your writing, they are all fabulous!

Trisha said...

Congrats on the sale! I love painting too but don't do it that often anymore.

TexWisGirl said...

i get that feeling. i love that you do this - for you. :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

to love to paint for the sake of painting is being an artist. Labels are strange and often scary things. Artist used to mean to me, someone who has seriously studied art and composition and blah, blah, blah....I now "feel" that art is truly what touches someone else's soul. It matters not the background of the creator of the piece but the emotion the piece brings to the viewer. Your painting is art. It spoke so loudly to "the new owner" and that is so special. Congratulations, yet again my artist friend. Keep on arting for your own joy and bliss. Oma Linda

Betty Manousos said...

aw, you're so creative.

my hat's off!
congrats on the sale.

have a great thursday!

Betty Manousos said...

i get it when you say "i do it for the love of painting"

to my opinion, you're an artist my friend!


Buttons Thoughts said...

I can see whyit sold you are a true artist. I like the simplicity of the flowere but the complexity of the detail. Love the colour. Don't you love just getting lost in what you love. ? B

Dreaming said...

Congrats! Yes, I can see that it would be a nice feeling. It validates your efforts.
You gave me some encouraging words about painting a while back. Some day... I will try it!

carolina nana said...

You are an artist ! We all have talents and are artist in our own rights. Your painting is beautiful.
There's no wonder someone bought it.

Country Gal said...

I love it ! awesome work ! I know what you mean about doing for the love of it and how it makes you feel thats how I feel about my photography I am in no means a pro but I do it cause I love it, its a passion of mine ! Have a great day !

Susan Anderson said...

It's nice to be able to write AND paint. Lots of creativity to share!


Irene said...

You're an artist because you decide you are one yourself. Nobody comes around and tells you you are one officially. I think making that painting qualifies you as an artist but that's for you to decide. You can accept that or not. Think about it. xox

Tracy said...

Gail, you ARE an artist and the painting is beautiful. Those are the colors of our bedroom and it would fit in the room perfectly...I'm glad someone was fortunate enough to have it!

Laurel's Quill said...

Never stop painting or reating just for the pleasure of it. the minute you start to worry about somebody liking it enough to buy it, it stops being special. Laurel

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It's beautiful sweetie, I can see why it sold!!!

Not strange girl...unique!!!

That means very special.

God bless and have a stupendous day sweetie!!! :o)

Farm Girl said...

Very nice and I like when things are done for the love of it.

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations! That's a wonderful painting.

Lydia Kang said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you, Gail!

I'm glad you worked through that fear and just painted for the joy of it. I think writing is like that--in the end, it comes back to the joy of it.

Lynne said...

Very nice . . . . are you said that iit has moved on to a new location?

Rudee said...

It's lovely!

mooderino said...

Hi Gail,

This was a lovely post, i related to it on lots of levels.

new follower,
Moody Writing

Anonymous said...

I really like your painting, and the colors you've used. Great work! Congratulations on the Sale!
Have a lovely weekend!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful, i did not even know there was a search up in the left corner. cool search and wonderful talent for painting. still learning new things about you

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