but you can't make me street wise. I've been lost in Little Rock so many times might think I would know my way around by now. Nope, wrong! Found the hospital okay Thursday but deciding which parking garage to use for what section was too confusing for me. Give me a dirt road or woods and I can find my way any where but add concrete, thousands of cars and four lanes of one way traffic and you might as well just put me down. I was about ready to check into to the nut ward just from the driving.
I don't have a cell phone so Hubby lent me his. That was a laugh. I didn't even know how to make it work. There was an angel in the waiting room for us that made many calls for me trying to track down what we needed to do. I was so grateful I gave her my new flip flops. I had just purchased them for the trip in case my old ones had a blow out and they were in my purse. The angel that saved us was thrilled and they matched her blouse perfectly.
Thursday's pretests were running over three hours behind. I had a motel reserved. I couldn't find that so just stopped at a motel and said, please tell me you have a room. They did. I called to cancel the other room fifteen minutes before deadline.
And goodness gracious Hooters was right next door. Marcy and I decided not to go to Hooter's since I asked two men if the food was good. They said, No! and said Hooters was for the atmosphere not the food.
So we ate at Cactus Jack's.
This is one fajita!
Marcy enjoyed her last solid meal for a few days.
The next morning poking and prodding began at five am. They took Marcy away so I TRIED to go pick up a part for her at Arkansas Health Dept. I kept loosing the street. I know, idiot! It would circle something and then it was gone again.
I found the old capitol.
I found the current capitol.
I found the historic union station
with no time to explore.
I did not find the place I was supposed to find.
I had the lady on the phone
and she finally said, Honey, can you find the hospital again??
She said, Go park and I will meet you.
That Angel brought the medical part to me
and gave me a much needed hug.
Now for the surgery report. Doc believes he has removed all the cancer but had to take a thyroid because it was so entangled. Six hours of solid reconstruction surgery later she is morphined and resting. She gave me orders after surgery to go home and feed the chickens and her cats. I did. I cried but that is what she wanted me to do.
She will be pretty much be knocked out til Sunday so I will have one more of many adventurous trips to Little Rock. Sure hope my skills improve...and I'm driving a standard transmission!
I could feel all the prayers and well wishes in the room with us. Thank you. We can still use them. It's gonna be a long haul.