a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lost for Poetry Jam

This week's prompt from the creative website Poetry Jam is Lost...anyway you want to say it.
I've lost many things
Of some I wasn't aware
I've lost my girlish figure
But haven't lost my hair
For everything we lose
Another thing we gain
That's a goodly rule
And helps ease our pain
This lass wasn't lost
But simply thrown away
Ki-Anne entered my world
I couldn't look the other way

I've lost my sense of direction
I lost my talent to draw
I can no longer write
But love comes with paws.


Brian Miller said...

now that pups is a treasure surely to be found...smiles...a cute one...and i am glad you rescued him from being thrown away....

Sketching with Dogs said...

I wasn't too pleased when I lost my slim figure and gained a few wrinkles, LOL!
Lynne x

LilliStJohn said...

I guess I haven't talked about Raine for a bit, but the rescue dog from Arkansas that found a home to live right here is happy and settled. He passes by my fence almost every day and YES, I always have a treat for him and a big cuddle. I have been checking out some other new dogs and now we have a Texan and a New Yorker - all within two blocks. Our local SPCA has been bringing in some dogs to adopt and people are looking for em. Ki-Anne is one of your treasures Gail and what a great poem too. Take care and hi to all :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad she found you!
I bet this week you wish you'd lost your sense of smell.

Lynne said...

Loved this Gail . . . my poet from afar!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is sooooo cute, love that second shot... and you can still write and draw and do all the things you do and this is one poem I GET... I get it completely. and i love it... i think i must have gained a pound for every single thing i have lost

Sumana Roy said...

very cute......nice write up :)

Mary said...

Oh that is touching. Your pup is darling. How could ANYONE 'throw her away'? What a charmer!!

I would like to think that with everything that is lost something else is gained. I must do some thinking. LOL.

Sandy Livesay said...

Ki-Anne is such a sweet dog. You can tell she's so happy being there with you and yours.

Pat said...

Ki-Anne is someone else's LOSS but certainly YOUR gain!

Our wrinkles are a road map of our life - showing where we've been!

Willow said...

WHen I lost my mind ~ I gained a new perspective ;)

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you have loved dogs.
I think this is a lovely poem.

Sandee said...

Lost is sad, but being found rocks. Too cute.

Have a terrific day. ☺

carolina nana said...

aaahhhh !!How sweet. don't you wish Ki-anne could talk and tell how much you meant to her !!!!

Maude Lynn said...

What a little doll! This is so sweet, Gail.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh Lordy! Is that a picture of Ki when she was a pup? I thought for a moment you had another puppy..:) I'd forgotten how darned cute she was! My little girl is beneath my chair, as always. I remember how much in love with her you were..still are!
Love to you!

Helen said...

Gail, you have an amazing capacity for loving animals ... a gift.

Michaele said...

I like the loss and gain part - not the weight tho'. Blessed KiAnne

jp@A Green Ridge said...


Josie Two Shoes said...

"For everything we lose another thing we gain..." Amen, Gail! I would love to have my girlish figure back, but I wouldn't trade any of my life now in exchange. Yes indeed, "Love comes with paws", these critters have wormed their way right into our hearts and we wouldn't want it any other way! Little KiAnne is blessed, and such a blessing in return.

alan1704 said...

Lovely poem and i love the dog. So cute!

Peggy said...

Love definitely comes with paws!! Warms my heart to think of it.

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