a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Timothy Two For Two Shoes Tuesday

I have been slow in completing my water garden transformation.  It seems when I work on it I always find surprises.  Hubby denies having anything to do with it but the twinkle in his eye gives him away every time.

Paybacks have been greatly needed but my brain has been dull.  Other than slapping the bathroom door and making him yell and jumping out to scare him I haven't found any really good payback.

Well, today was the day.  Meet the wild creature for Two Shoes Tuesday, Timothy Two. Same size, same water garden so if one was placed there logic would tell you T2 was placed there also.
I have nothing against Alligator Snapping Turtles except they eat our fish and do bite what gets in their way. Hubby caught one from a river slough years ago that filled the entire bed of his truck.  This one also bit a large V in the boat paddle.  I respect them and they taste good.

So after I found T2 I thought, Hubby likes these so well I will just give this one to him.  I wrapped him in a cloth and carried him inside and excitedly asked Hubby to look at what I had found.  
Hubby hunted for his flashlight he uses when he wants a good look at something...like arrow heads or rocks. I may have IMPLIED that it was a rock.  He accepted the wrapped object centered the light and unwrapped the SURPRISE.  He wasn't expecting movement and he almost threw it!  I guess I can call that half a pay back.

T2 swam away in the creek where the cattle were resting...but I'm still planning more payback.


jabblog said...

Ooer - I suspect there may be a few more surprises in store for you;-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good one! Surprise him with a snake next. Preferably a garter snake.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha and if i think of anything i will let you know. T2 is just as ugly as T1.. make that so ugly he is cute.. and dangerous.

Old Egg said...

My, he is an ugly brute. It sounds as though these domestic tricks are normal in your household. As long as you both can keep laughing that is great.

Dreaming said...

Ah, yes... satisfaction! I'm glad you 'got' him on that one!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

tee hee, I wish I coulda seen it.

Unknown said...

I love that you play jokes on each other. I am afraid of those turtles though... I still have a piece missing from my calf where I tripped over one in the dark and fell...she latched on and wouldn't let go... many, many stitches and surgery later... perhaps pick a less dangerous animal...or I like the jumping out and scaring him thing!

Anonymous said...

You & Tractor Man are dangerous! Obviously you two are a pair, though. That turtle is definitely a creature that deserves respect. I am glad no one got bitten.

ellen abbott said...

good on you

Farm Girl said...

That is so cute. The story, not the turtle. I had never heard of them until my sister started telling me how she was having a terrible time with them as big as the one that was as big as your husbands truck bed.
It is nice to know they are good eating.
Well I hope you have more stories.

Michaele said...

Uh oh you are in for it now. I would be nervous.

TexWisGirl said...

cute when they are wee, but...

LindaG said...

That was a good payback, Gail.
Maybe a worm in the bottom of his coffee cup or some such? ;-)

Country Gal said...

Oh my I had a good giggle here ! Look out Mr Hubby she gona get ya good lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

Josie Two Shoes said...

Hahaha, take that Mister Sneaky Husband! I like that bit about "might have implied" it was a rock. I think I'd be more than a little taken aback if said rock commenced to move and looked like the photo above! I get such a kick out of him leaving you presents in your water garden, playfulness is what keeps us young! Thanks for the lunchtime laughter, with this delightful TST contribution! I think I shall be mighty leery when we come to visit, if you offer to show me rocks!! :-)

janetld said...

Love your account here!
And I got an education too!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Haha, there is never a dull moment in your marriage!
I'm glad your hubby didn't throw him.
Lynne x

Pat said...

Oh you are a wicked, evil woman! Taking chances like that on a man with a bad ticker! Snort!

Sandy Livesay said...

Even though you've paid hubby back partially, you need to watch carefully. Hubby will find another way to get you back before you've paid him back in full, lol.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

let's hope he doesn't pay you back for half a payback first.

And that turtle that filled the bed of the truck sounds like a big fish story to me. Any pictures to prove it? I'm from the ShoMe state after all. :)

Sandee said...

Yes, and we'll all be here to see what other payback you are planning. Bwahahahahahaha.

I think he'll be on guard now.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Lynne said...

Good one . . . bet he is gonna get you back again too. So keep stacking up "payback ideas!"

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh yeah, what comes around, goes around. You got him good!

Jim said...

Hi Gail ~~ I'm not awake yet all the way but soon will be as I'm taking Katrin (our toy poodle) to the doctor this morning.

You find surprises in your garden, perhaps Hubby could find some in his truck now and then?

I did the Tuesday Two Shoes "wild and creature" post. Come see.
Also I'm working on a Friday Five for you.

DesertHen said...

He, he...I bet hubby is now plotting a payback of his own. Cute little snapper though. Bet he was glad to head on down stream.

I caught a snapper once while visit my grandpa in Ark. and it scared me silly!

JosephAlsarraf said...

Lol, cool turtle! I've heard of snapping turtles, but I've never heard of a alligator snapping turtle. Does it bite alligators?
: )

Susan Anderson said...

You guys are so cute with all your antics.


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