a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Poets United: Poetry Pantry 165

A new found place to share...Poets United:  Poetry Pantry 165.  
Dad brought too much
Home from the war
Things he should've left behind
Were always with him

He taught me to love my country
Respect the flag
Enjoy our freedom
And thank the veterans

But the nightmares
And the over heard stories
When Veterans visited
Told me I was lucky

Dad made it home
A different man
A grateful man
A haunted man but home


aspiritofsimplicity said...

that was very moving and I'm glad that dad made it home. I wish he wasn't haunted. It's my wish that one day perhaps we can stop killing and haunting one another.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is beautiful and sad and sadly all true.. my brother went to Vietnam at age 18 came home 18 months later and old man with the same things as your dad. i like that photo

Brian Miller said...

heavy. war is brutal and most of our soldiers bring home more than they need...i am glad he taught you good things though...but what a price eh...something we should be mindful of....

Farm Girl said...

Lovely tribute. My grandpa never talked of the horrors of the war that he endured. I wish he had, we might have understood why the bottle became his friend.
It was only after he died that we heard the horrible things he was commanded to do on far away islands in the South Pacific. Your poem reminds me of what they gave for my freedom today.

Anonymous said...

A very well written, heartfelt poem. A tribute to a hero.

Sandee said...

Very well done and it happens way too often. Bless all our veterans that made it home.

Have a terrific day. :)

Mary said...

A strong poem here. You have told the story of many people who returned home from war, I think. But, yes, good that he returned home.....so many did not.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Fantastic write! Every soldier brings a burden home with him. So glad your dad made it. So nice to met you in the Pantry!!!!! Hope to see you again!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is so strange Gail. I was just talking to a friend yesterday about how my Dad was in the war and suffered from terrible nightmares for the rest of his life. He would actually wake up screaming in the night. I think your poem sums it up well.
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful portrait of your Dad.
I am certain that none of those who came back came unscarred. We can never be grateful enough for the sacrifice of these young men.

janetld said...

Authentic, heart-felt tribute. What a great, poignant ending.

Country Gal said...

Lovely tribute ! My father was in world war 2 a British solider fighting in Singapore and he to never spoke of any of it ! Have a good day !

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Heartfelt and haunting poem. Great job.

Lynne said...

So true with too many!

LindaG said...

Lots of vets never told it all, either.

Great post, Gail.

Sandy Livesay said...


This is a beautiful poem, so many men and women have come back from war changed, some broken. All trying to adjust back to family living.

Maude Lynn said...

This is beautifully done, Gail, and very moving.

Far Side of Fifty said...

All heroes and we owe them so much more than an atta boy but it is something that we can freely give:)

Other Mary said...

How could anyone go through was without being terribly changed. This is so well expressed and very moving, Gail.

Unknown said...

Oh, wow! Very honest and very strong power here. I love the truthfulness you convey concerning your father's state post-war. Thank you for sharing this amazing glimpse into such a strong man's life. I can tell that you loved him very much.

ZQ said...


DesertHen said...

My uncle fought in WWII and had night terrors the rest of his life! He passed in his early 90's and not once did he ever talk about what happened to him or what he witnessed or was a part of, but the night terrors told the story! War leaves its scars on the living!

Susan Anderson said...

Simple words telling a complex story.

Well done.


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