a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Boss Got Boots

Gibbs: Put 'em on. You can't work a field in high heels. [smiles]

I think my new Gibbs haircut might be lucky.  I found boots.The rubber boots I have been waiting for since my old ones died.  Here is the beginning of their demise.

I had two requirements, That they be waterproof and not slick on the bottom.  Today after almost a year of leaky boots and then none at all, I found them...two pair...may they last twenty years like the last pair.

The pink ones are for easy spotting in case I  get lost.  Hubby can find me easier.

I asked Hubby which pair.  He looked at black and camouflage.  I asked if he liked these.  You could tell he was struggling for the right words.  "They're all gonna get muddy," he safely answered.  I pointed out he could find me better with the pink ones if I fell over somewhere.  He gave in and said get both.  I think what he was really thinking was he will only have to see the pink ones half the time.
One pair is taller so I can wade deeper into whatever I decide to wade and my feet will be dry.
Hubby can't say much about footwear.  Look at his red flannel plaid slippers in this photo.

HEY, Y'ALL I GOT BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Now, it's almost flip flop weather.


TexWisGirl said...

yay! i think they are you, too. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Horses! Very nice. Now you are styling.

Anonymous said...

Nice boots! Both pairs are very stylish. You will look great no matter what you are wading through. You might want to keep that hair style (still trying to imagine it).

Country Gal said...

I love the first pair with the pictures of the horses on . Men .. what do they know any ways lol ! Does that mean we may find you boots up then one day haha , kidding hehe ! You do have a point about the pink ones though for finding you , yup that would be Papa here to hey just look for the pink boots you will find her , good lord man !! Thanks for sharing lol Have a good day !

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great boots, but I want to talk about the pup in the picture. New? Looks like a pit to me. I hope so. I LOVE pits.

Lynne said...

YAY, YAY! Good for you!

DesertHen said...

Those boots are the bomb! Love'em! I have been looking for chore boots for sometime and haven't been lucky in finding something I like. These, I would buy in a heartbeat! And might I add, those boots look like they are ready for an adventure!

LilliStJohn said...

Raise the flag and pass out the hot chocolate - Gail got BOOTS - Now you can go oot n aboot in yer new boots, eh :)

RoeH said...

I wish I had a reason to wear boots. I'd get some like those.

Irene said...

I envy you both pair and wish I had an excuse to wear some like it. I do love the pink ones and have a jacket that would look real good with them. For sure nobody would miss me if I got lost. Not that I would very quickly here in town, but it's the thought that counts. Enjoy wading in the creek and stomping around in the mud. xox

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY on new boots, no more cold mud between the toes... the pink is my favorite of the two and surprise surprise they both have horses on them... you did good....

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Not only did ya get boots, ya got kewl boots. Yay for Gail!!!!!!

Sandy Livesay said...


I love both pairs of boots. Especially the fact that they have solid non skid bottoms.

Your first mission Gibbs is to wade through water!!

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you finally got boots and then two pair. Your are in tall cotton now Gail.
I love my boots too. My favorite kind of footwear for wading.

DFW said...

Woo Hoo! Love them both.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Now those are some boots! You feet will stay dry now:)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Alright!!!! Sweet choices...and two pair is THE BEST! I always buy two if it's something I really like...:)JP

StitchinByTheLake said...

I love both pair! As much as you're outside you need two pair. :) blessings, marlene

Susan Anderson said...

Perfect boots! I love that the pink ones have horses on them.


LindaG said...

Boots are always needed! Can you tell what kind they are?
I think they look neat. :-)

However, I could not have chosen pink. That's just me. ;-)
I hope they last at least 20 years!

Anonymous said...

They are very cute. As a matter of fact, I've had the pink pair. I don't know you're level of wear, but mine only lasted a few months. That is in Oregon coast rain and mud, so you may be different. I did love them, tho. Now I just buy the old-fashioned heavier duty black rubber boots (not Mucks, just rubber boots) and I can get a full year out of them for $20.


Love love love those boots. you will be stylin out in the mud or creek or wherever your will takes you. Lucky you. Two pairs. Yay for boots. Hugs, Barb

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