a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sunday Was A Spring Day...

Ice was removed from the water gardens and fresh water added.  So far so good.  All the chickens, dogs and birds enjoy these gardens as much as I do.
Got my boots wet
and muddy
Pruned the fig, removed dead wood, wisteria and rose limbs
Now it's ready for spring with waste to burn.

Trimmed a lot more bushes here and there and decided to quit when I got my last owie.  I keep Walmart in business just with band aides and antibiotics.  
We accomplished a lot more Sunday but I will save some excitement for another post.

The temperatures are dropping but we had one day to play.  We were grateful for that day.

Stay warm.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

here is a KISS on that OWIE... i have never seen ice that thick. wow... glad you had a day you could get out and try the new boots.
i wrote a poem today

RoeH said...

There is nothing like a warm day in the mist of a cold winter. I remember one day in North Dakota that it warmed up to 10 ABOVE zero and literally we were all out in just shirt sleeves because it was so warm that day with the sun. Yup...eight years in North Dakota.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE LOVE your horsey boots and your ambition and most of all your warm weather:) Hug B

LilliStJohn said...

I will be spring cleaning when all the ice and snow are gone. Like your boots :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Aren't you glad you have your new boots?
Snow and really cold temperatures expected here today.

Lynne said...

Bring on a sunny day in the midst of winter . . .
I will grab it and hold on tight!

Farm Girl said...

It always feels nice when you get so much work done. Too bad about your finger. I always stop when I start hurting myself too. Have a lovely day.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Ah yes. When pruning I always leave a little blood as an offering to heralding Spring. It's just part of the process.
Yay, for a warm day and the chores you got accomplished. And yay for the boots so you can go wading.
Oma Linda

Dar said...

SPRING? There really is such a thing this year? I relish the idea of it and cannot wait to dig into it. However, we are still 4 ft. deep with snow, ice and frigid temps and windchills in the minus -50's. I will return to see more sunshine and progress. Thank you, thank you for sharing a peek of what's to come.

TexWisGirl said...

yup, we're in a frigid blast again.

Anonymous said...

We cannot get out of this deep freeze, snow, wind cycle! I hope to go through AR in February!

Susan Kane said...

You need to get a great pair of gloves to match the cool gloves! You sure achieved a lot in between the storms.

Sandy Livesay said...

Love those warm days when you can go out and get a lot accomplished before the next cold day.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You need some leather gloves! One day of spring is better than none:)

Sketching with Dogs said...

That looks sore! I thought it was glass when I first saw your ice photo. Looks like you got plenty done.
Lynne x

Henny Penny said...

Owie is right! That will be a sore finger! I enjoy your posts!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You DID accomplish a lot...that's for sure! If it gets cold again, take a well deserved rest. Going to Tractor Supply tomorrow after the gym...:)JP

LindaG said...

I end up with owies like that a lot. I have gloves, but usually don't wear them because I need my hands free, haha.
Hopefully you heal quickly, Gail. ♥

That is a lot of ice. I should check our cow bowl, I guess.

Looks like our high will be 29 today. You all stay warm, too!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Yikes! That's ice! I open the back door in the morning here and it's the same temp outside as it is inside. At least you are having a Winter and can wear coats and bundle. We are never happy, are we? :) Chickens? I want some chicken's..

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

p.s. What the hey happened to your hand??? Looks bad!!

Susan Anderson said...

Have you got something against gloves??


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