a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sounds and Light

The west end of the valley
Stays light when all goes dark
No houses anywhere close
The dogs begin to bark.

Hubby laughs and says,
"You watch too many alien shows!"
But he doesn't hear the mountains talk
Or watch the way the dogs go.

It's not their game bark
They do not "bay" a trail
The dogs face the southwest
Bark and tuck their tails.

If my farm pack could only talk
To tell me what they hear
I could smile at Hubby and say
"It ain't no blooming deer!"

For Poets United


TexWisGirl said...

:) one knows their dogs' barks.

Brian Miller said...

ha. if it is aliens...beware the probes....just saying...ha.

def if they could talk it might get a bit interesting....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What Brian said. Stay inside.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

keep them up there unless it is ET he is cute

revelations said...

Animals have a sense that humans don't ..you convinced me now work on Hubby... :)

Willow said...

There out there ~ yeserie Bob , go get em Rover !
and take them to your leader ;)

Anonymous said...

Lights out in the country. That is a concern. Stay behind those dogs! :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love this, can just see them tucking their tails. If you like shows about aliens you must see The Fourth Kind, a true story that occurred in Alaska and includes actual footage of some events......it is a movie, but also includes a few scenes of actual footage. The freakiest thing I have ever watched.

LindaG said...

Another really good piece, Gail. :-)

Sandy Livesay said...

Another great post!!!

Mary said...

I just love your attitude & your sense of humor. Excellent write!

Pealogic said...

Don't think I could live where even the dogs are displaying fear.

Lynne said...

Best one ever . . .

Stormcat Poetry said...

This is so good. Reminds of those lights in the blue ridge mountains that nobody could explain. . .

gila_mon said...

"It's not their game bark" I like the attention to the details, homespun and alien.

DesertHen said...

The dogs always warn, whether friend, foe or the unknown. The unknown they see...long before we!

Susan Anderson said...

Watch out!!

I trust your instincts…


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