a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Tried...

to take a walk to my favorite spots.  It did not take long for the wind and the temps to discourage me.
Here is our main spring deceptively looking shallow.  The water is "boiling" up from underground where the white sand is.  Yes, this is our drinking water and supplies two households with no strain.  This water is better tasting and cleaner than most treated water in municipalities.

The rocks you see surround where the pump is.  We must clear the extra sand twice a year.  The first spring surround was a barrel.  No one knows who placed the barrel. When cleaning I found remains of old iron rings. Grandpa laid rocks and Dad added a ridge to walk around.

From here the spring flows down a stream into a pond.  From there it joins the creek.  We are the head waters of  Lunenburg Creek.
I continued my walk to a clear spot after collecting Beggar's Lice...the small seeds you see clinging to my pants.  This plant is a favorite for the deer to eat.
Had some trouble with my shoes so I left them and continued bare foot.  Part of this was still frozen and the rest was very liquid.  No arrow heads today but very cold feet.

Washing my shoes and feet in icy water from the outside faucet finished me off for a taste of the outdoors.

I've got to find some rubber boots!


TexWisGirl said...


i found more rubber boots at walmart recently!

Empty Nester said...

You can go barefoot here today. It's going to be in the 50s. AND, we have pluff mud! LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love barefoot but not in your cold weather.. i like the photo of the shoes and of the boiling spring. we have beggar lice in one corner of our yard and baby gets covered in them... they stick like glue to her fur

Farm Girl said...

I think it looks like a nice walk. I find your spring fascinating. I bet it is good water.
get those tootsies warm. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bare feet in icy water? No thanks! Get some boots, woman!

DesertHen said...

Your feet got a mud bath spa day! Burrrr! But at least you had a bit of an outdoor adventure!

I think it is very cool that you get your water from and underground spring! We have a well and it puts out warmish water all year round. After having well water all these years, I can't even drink town water anymore...Blech!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Our water comes from a well here and is delicious as well...no cold feet for me...I'm wearing socks today!...:)JP

Dreaming said...

Fascinating! Not many people can claim fresh spring water. vI bet it is wonderful water!
Brrrr.... my feet ache just thinking of how cold your feet must have been.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Lady.....get some muck boots asap. You're making my feet hurt just thinking about the cold.

LindaG said...

Good grief! Good you have a strong constitution.
Hubby said he can feel something coming on. Hopefully it is nothing; but he always insists on going out without a coat like he's in his 20s again!
Stay warm and have a wonderful week, Gail! ♥

LilliStJohn said...

Golly, you could make a buck or two selling that mud off in small jars, charging a fortune for it and sit back on easy street for a while. I haven't been to easy street yet myself, but I hear its nice there :)
How long have you been procrastinating about rubber boots - seems about this time last year, but a little more towards spring, cause remember I got a great pair that I posted about thinking you would love the handles on the sides. I knew it wouldn't be long before I saw a photo of sandals, feet or shoes n mud. Thanks for the laugh when I saw those lonely shoues sittin on top of the mud - and the foot bath at the tap - all I can say is Brrrrrrrrr!
Best to Marcy, hugz to the guys n petz :)

Lynne said...

Cold feet, not fun . . . I saw rubber boots on sale at two stores this week! Just sayin'!

Nancy said...

I would imagine the sand filters your water, jah?

Barefoot in January? I could only dream. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow talk about cold feet!!! :)

Sandy Livesay said...


Did the water warm a bit?? I love walking in water barefoot. Beautiful water source.

Susan Anderson said...

Beggar's Lice, huh? Gotta love that name!


gld said...

Gail let me give an endorsement for a pair of MUCK boots (that is the brand). I have two pair, one taller and insulated for winter and a short topped pair with no insulation for gardening. You just step into them and go. Trust me you won't be sorry.

Beautiful pictures of your place and I love the header pics.

We have a spring on the farm that feeds a stock tank. It has a sort of concrete tank buried around it with a lid, I guess to keep it from being contaminated by the cattle; then runs underground to come up in the bottom of the concrete tank about 50 feet away. I wouldn't be afraid to drink out of it either but would need a dipper on a rope to get the water.

gld said...

P.S. Glad to hear there is some good to beggar lice! I have had to through away some things that were just embedded with the darned stuff.

Michaele said...

I bet the water is refreshing to drink. Cute that you left those bothersome shoes behind.

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