a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Doing Things Differently

Along with the cold we have had lots of high winds.  Tree limbs falling and old tin roof trying to fly away.  We decided to fasten them down on the old house
and the smokehouse.  

Hubby did it Sunday.  I am usually the one in the bucket.  This day Hubby decided bravely I would control the up and down of the bucket and he would risk his life inside.  Obviously I don't understand the word "smoothly" because nothing about his ups and downs was smooth.  He bravely stood as I jerkily raised and lowered him.  I think he was tired of me screaming from the bucket. I didn't cause him to scream once.  He just said, "Smoothly".  

When I returned him to the ground safely I said thank you.  I was so grateful not to be gripping the bucket for dear life. I did learn a new game...Bouncy Bucket.  Hubby didn't like playing it.

The winds are still strong but I hear no tin roofs flapping.  Such a relief.
Sorry for the butt shots but we had a lot of help and it's difficult to maneuver a bucket while taking pictures.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Bouncy Bucket...sounds fun but like you, I am glad you worked the controls!...:)JP

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I don't think I'd want to play Bouncy Bucket either. But you didn't kill him, so that's a plus.
We are a frozen winter wonderland here today.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Bouncy Bucket is fun if you are the bouncer not the bouncee:) Hug B

Lynne said...

Bouncy Bucket sounds like Danger Game to me!

TexWisGirl said...

glad you all survived!

thewovenspoke said...

Been there, done that once while working as a groundskeeper. It is a test of trust isn't it? I'm glad you got it done.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no way would i ride in that bucket... although the flapping of the roof would drive me nuts, so i might drive it... good job to both of you. that new puppy is really growing fast... loved the butt shot

Michaele said...

Oh dear. Don't you hate it when someone trusts you with their life? Enjoy the silence : )

Farm Girl said...

I had to laugh at your new game. I don't think my husband would like it much either. That is so funny.
Yes, I think that is all we have done is batten down the hatches around here too.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

well, all I have to say is "ya get what ya throw". Your hubby had to take his turn at being the object of that kind of affection.....tee hee.
Even that puppy's butt is cute.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Cute, cute, cute!! :) You got some great shots of the doggie butts, but they are cute so it NOT a problem!

Wow! What great equipment to get up on roofs. We balance on shaky ladders..so to me a rather "bouncy, bouncy ride" is the best way to go.

Henny Penny said...

I love an old tin roof! Your post sure hit home with me! :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

Your hubby sounds like the sweetest guy. Glad he managed to stay in the bucket despite the high winds and your driving :)
Lynne x

Susan Anderson said...

You guys make such a good team. I guess that's part of living on a farm, and you seem to have mastered it.


Country Gal said...

Oh don't fall out off the bouncy bucket lol ! I wouldn't mind your weather at least you have brown and gold colour of land other then white on white lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Anonymous said...

This is funny, since I am not involved. It is a relief to get this kind of chore done and over with.

LindaG said...

Hehe. It's that time of year for 'butt shots'. ;-)

We bought a small 'smoker' and proceeded to burn any number of meats with it. :-|

I guess we need a smokehouse at some point.
Glad to hear hubby got the tin fastened!
Have a better Thursday. It's supposed to be 19 here tomorrow morning. :-(

Sandy Livesay said...

Now hubby knows how it feels being bounced around in that bucket. Nice pictures of your helpers.

LilliStJohn said...

Bouncy Buckets and Bouncy Butts. ha,ha What a great game. I can just see you all playing and hubby thinking????? Hi to everyone, hugz to the bouncer (pun) and have a wonderful day :)

StitchinByTheLake said...

The wind has been so awful here too - thankfully i've had little I needed to get out for. blessings, marlene

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