a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Painted Toes for The Mag

Tess's picture prompt for our word creation


Dance on ivory keys 
Recalling the craziness 
As we rolled 
The piano outside

My sheer dress 
Slid across the piano top
As you called me
Your music queen

We made our own music
Chiffon fluttered in the breeze
You ran the scales
Higher than ever known

Our souls sang a duet
Creatures watched
In Nature we became
The Wild Things


TexWisGirl said...

lots of great imagery. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Playing outdoors is a whole new experience!

Ginny Brannan said...

Sensual imagery indeed. Well done!

Helen said...

Wild thing, you made my heart sing.

Brian Miller said...

becoming wild things sounds like it could be fun...


jp@A Green Ridge said...

You made me feel like dancing,...:)JP

Berowne said...

Marvelous response to the prompt.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I sat and stared at the photo for at least a minute or two before reading your poem.i came up with nothing at all, i just thought how dumb to sit on the piano and mess up the keys with her feet.
yours is much better and makes more sense.. my practical side can't see things like what you wrote.

Kathe W. said...

very sensual and I love the last verse!

Lynne said...

Wonderfully said . . .

Tess Kincaid said...

I like how you focused on the piano being outside...I thought that rather thrilling...

humbird said...

Creatively connected with feelings!

LindaG said...

Very good piece, Gail. Well written. :-)

Kaye Waller said...

Lovely imagery!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I could almost see her dancing there!
Lynne x

Bekkie Sanchez said...

So far my favorite write so far! I am wild about this and the wild things! I too, wrote about the piano being outside it's the first thing I noticed! It's perfect!

Helena said...

There is nothing more exciting than outside instruments....of all sorts!

Belva Rae Staples said...

In Nature we became the wild things is such a great line!

Susan Anderson said...

Oo la la!


Cait O'Connor said...

Love this one very much!

Truedessa said...

There is freedom is playing outdoors..

Kathryn Dyche said...

The imagery is fantastic in this piece, love it.

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