a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Cock Crows For Me...

several times a night.  Now at 4:25 AM he is quite happily calling for the dawn.  I have given up sleep and he crows away in the light of my window.

God bless this guy.  The rooster mistakenly thinks since Hubby rescued him he should now sleep on our porch.  He sleeps peacefully on my wooden block chair sharing his excrement and dark crows throughout the night as if they were a gift.

The dogs are with him so he fears nothing.  His loyalty lies with Hubby who rescued him from an untimely death by untangling him from some vines where the rooster hung upside down.

My theory is his brain was oxygen starved for too long.

He should fear me when he crows so gallantly so early outside my window.

Rooster and dumplings are sounding good.

Be sore afraid, Mr Crowaholic, you are working to be a guest for dinner soon.


LilliStJohn said...

H-m-m-m, I be thinkin' mighty hard and you gotta get past hubby before rooster n dumplings are on the table. Then I guess if I am thinking really hard he feels he owes you the only thing he can really do well - he was saved so he is singing a little extra about it. haha Have a great day. Hugz to Marcy, TM A n Z n pawpaws n Mr. R :)

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Oh no - - - no Rooster and Dumplings. He was saved so he is singing, not realizing that he is making you loose sleep.

I read your comment on Sharon's blog. You write good and I am sure you take good photographs so don't give up.

Brian Miller said...

ha. i would totally be eating him...lol....when we lived in florida a rooster escaped a farm nearby and took up in the stand of banana trees in the back yard....there were plenty of saturdays i would love to have had a shotgun...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Just don't tell your husband what he is eating....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

He'd wind up on my dinner plate. However, I think your husband just might rescue him again.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well, at least he shares EVERYTHING with you! I'd be warming the oven and ready just in case there was an accident and something happened to him!...:)JP

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha. :) guard chicken!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he would not last long here, i have even considered murdering frogs that scream outside my window, and crickets to... also rain drops that drip off the roof on the bucket hubby left upside down right under the drip line. i had to go out and move the bucket... murder was on my mind that night to....

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Poor rooster...he's trying to tell the world how happy he is to alive albeit at the wrong time of day. Gotta love a porch singer, or not. I don't sleep much anyway so I guess I'd be a little anti crowing as well.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Bless him for repaying your hubby's kindness - albeit not in the way you might have liked :)
Lynne x

Lynne said...

He is telling you how much he likes you and you want to EAT HIM?

Ela said...

Strong guard chickens
Have a nice weekend

Michaele said...

Teach him to use his inside voice : )

DesertHen said...

Two of my roosters have taken up crowing at 4:30 a.m. for the last few weeks! They are in the coop, which is located behind the house, but I can still hear them! Between them and the prowling, night owl kitten, sleep has been lost around here too!

Henny Penny said...

Oh I love stories of animals being rescued. We have a rooster that looks a lot like yours. Ours has only one leg, but he gets along fine.

Dreaming said...

Wouldn't he be a bit tough to swallow?

Susan Kane said...

Do you have any hens he could coop and share his talents? Is there such a thing as muzzles for fowl?

My gr-mother told me that roosters are not the best for a chicken fry-up. You could always boil him. Keep the feathers.

Sandy Livesay said...


I can start you a pot of homemade broth for that chicken and dumplings.

LindaG said...

Sounds tasty to me, Gail. :-)
Have a better Sunday!

Susan Anderson said...


What a fun post this is, and I love this line:

"He sleeps peacefully on my wooden block chair sharing his excrement and dark crows throughout the night as if they were a gift."

Watch out, Mr. Rooster!


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