a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Tragedy...

The day was cold but ice and snow were trying to melt.  We had hopes of a snow leaving day but it didn't work out.
All my life I've been warned of the danger of icicles.  Never believed them!  Now I know.  The death of the recyclable bag of cans was very sad.  Impaled with a great force never to be whole again.

Then the depression and tragedy of the season made itself very clear to me.  I should follow the birds and go further South.  This poor bird house is uninhabitable.  The tragedies abound.
The frozen bird house cried out to me
reflecting  the essence of this season.
The Red Mule still stands tall.
The snow remains.

Happy Valentine's Day!
May yours be filled with sunshine and smiles. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is one heck of a massive icicle! Yeah, that one could kill you. Not good on Valentine's Day.

LilliStJohn said...

Impaled by ice - how tragic. Gail, those things are so dangerous. We break em off to scare away the coyotes in winter - they make a great spear, but I shall tell you, you do not want to be on the receiving end of one when it falls onto your head. Hope you knocked the rest off. When they start getting big, I just take a big long stick and knock em all off the house. Give my regards to the family for this tragic loss, eh :)

Lynne said...

We have icicles like never before this year . . .
One more "first" . . . we awakened to a puddle on the wooden floor hallway . . . Snickers isn't to blame!
We have a problem for sure . . .
So much snow, melting, heavier, roof collapsed down the road from us. Neighbors near us had their roof cleaned yesterday.
Oh dear . . . sorry I am going on and on!

I liked your poem . . . stay clear of those icicles!

Country Gal said...

Icicles can be lethal especially when there are a lot and they are huge . Snowing here again today I am soo done with winter now . Thanks for sharing . Happy Valentines Day to you all !

Dreaming said...

That poor bag - never saw what hit it, and if you hadn't seen it, there would have been quite a mystery around it once the weapon melted!
Nice job!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sun is shining and I am smilling really big. i have been at the Valentine PAWTY for the past hour, lots of love out there. Happy Valentines day and when is the Wake for the black bag?

Kathryn Dyche said...

We had some massive icicles come down yesterday. So glad I wasn't under them at the time. Scary. Stay safe.

gld said...

I can hardly believe we still haven't had any significant ice here!
This morning most of our snow is gone.

It is a Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you have one too.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I just love the way your creativity works.....icicles and all. I wish you would come by and read my newest tale at: http://yeoldecronesgazette.blogspot.com/2014/02/vampire-soiree-2014a-bit-of-switch.html
It's a bit of a different way of thinking as well.
Happy Valentines Day my southern friend. Oma Linda (southern fried chile)

Farm Girl said...

So glad it was just the trash bag who met it's demise of death by icicle.
Poor bird house. Gosh what a storm.
I am sure it won't be long before you thaw out.

TexWisGirl said...

glad just the bag succumbed.

Henny Penny said...

I was afraid to read about the tragedy. So glad it was the bag that was injured. I've never seen such an icicle!

Anonymous said...

I am glad it was not a massacre, and that you were spared the deadly icicle. It has been a wicked winter.

Sketching with Dogs said...

OMG - you had me going there! I thought someone had had an accident. It just shows you though, how lethal icicles can be. I'm sure I watched a murder mystery where someone was stabbed with an icicle and the police couldn't find the murder weapon because it melted inside the body.
Lynne x

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Yikes--impaled! Happy Valentines Day to you Gail!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am honestly happy it was the bag not ahead that is huge. Love the way you wrote that by the way:)
Looks like Canada there, enjoy:)
I have lots of thistles thanks for the tip. Hug B

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good thing no one was under that treacherous thing!!!...:)JP

Sandy Livesay said...


Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

All of our snow is gone, and temperatures warmed up to 65 degrees!!!!

Stay warm!

DesertHen said...

That is a doozy of an icicle! Good thing it only impaled the can bag! OUCH! It is in the low
60's here today and cloudy. We did get more rain over night. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Dang that was a big icicle! Good thing nothing warm-blooded was standing underneath it!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Holy Moly I'm glad that didn't fall down on you! Who knows what strange tales you might write with a large hole in your head!
:-) I remember those huge things and listening to them come crashing down as a kid growing up in Dakota. Ice is not my favorite thing at all, unless it's chilling my sweet tea or a bit of Wild Turkey American Honey!

Susan Kane said...

Poor bag! Amazing icicle!
Wonderful poem...is the South any warmer?

Brian Miller said...

ice is a whole different story...
it is def dangerous

and icicles may be handy in the zombie apocalyse

StitchinByTheLake said...

Icicles are scary! I'm ready for spring. blessings, marlene

Other Mary said...

My deepest condolences on your tragedies! Lol, this is great Gail! Happy post-Valentine's Day!

LindaG said...

Great photos and a very good post, Gail.

We used to get some big icicles when I was growing up in Michigan; and we had an iceberg of an icicle in the small house we rented in Alaska. The outside door off the kitchen didn't have insulation and whenever we cooked, the condensation would freeze.
Crazy times.
Hope you warm up this week!

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