a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Walk With Dogs

Notice the pack lining up behind the flowers
We explored the creek
Found a rabbit den/nest
Yep, that's my finger.
Discovered a tree with strange scratches
Searched for varmints
and enjoyed the tiny wild flowers.


LilliStJohn said...

Well, now that our latest winter storm has passed by and the sun is out this morning, all we have to deal with is the terrifically high winds. I would like to romp on some nice clear ground such as yours, but any day now (or week), I shall find the first flower of spring. I love this time of year, when Mother Nature dabbles her wand here n there. Storm yesterday left many in the dark, but we were not affected - read a good book, and watched the storm through the window blow round about the neighbourhood. I love the photo of the bunny...so cute and the dogs all lined up - I notice Lizzy is leading, eh. Have a wonderful day and hugz to Marcy n boyz.

gld said...

Looks like you had a beautiful day for the walk. I love the creek. That is one thing missing from our place....except in very wet weather when we have a small creek.

Do bears leave scratches on the trees...seems like I have read that, or maybe deer rubbing antlers.

Lynne said...

Looks like springtime bliss to me . . . what are the scratches from ???

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy to see you and the pack out and hiking and hunting... that bunny is so darn cute. did you see a parent anywhere? i had missed the Pack in the jonquil photo, had to scroll back up to see them and there they were, hiding in plain sight.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Looks perfect to me:) Hug B

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

lots to see, great trek for you and pack. The reminders this time of year of renewal and continuance is always a heart warming thing. The wheel of life continues....with or without us even noticing.

M.E. Masterson said...


Country Gal said...

Perfect ! Lovely photos oh you have flower's already ? I am soo patiently waiting for my spring flowers to show ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

TexWisGirl said...

sweet! tiny bunny baby.

Farm Girl said...

A very nice walk and what an adorable baby.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think creeks are wonderful and amazing. When I was a little girl,there was one behind our house, and I would have camped out there forever if they let me. To have your own creek is totally cool!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful walk. We are just a few steps behind you, as Spring is finally reaching us up here. On the road, it was so nice to take Stella for walks at the rest stops, and area where there was grass, ponds, and a bit of nature. She loves it.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Sounds like the perfect excursion. The flowers made me wish I'd had the sense to plant some daffodils. The rabbit was such a precious find, didn't the dogs try getting it?

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Gail, I'm going with you on your next walk..ok? The tiny baby bunny was so precious!! So helpless!
Sandy once had one that was born in her big back yard and she named him George. George came out the same time every day and she got to watch him grow.. I remember that so well, when she wrote me of George's progress. I miss Sandy so much. You cannot know!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

p.s. I don't think I would be really nuts about anything that was big enough to make scratches like that.
BIG cats and bears especially upset me. Came in very close (like four feet) to a bear once...and big cats kill people here in California..nearly every year it seems. Adults are no problem for them...
Be careful please..but maybe you don't have Mountain Lions like we do. The come very close to homes and have been known to be seen on roof tops. Not to me..but my second bear encounter was at night while standing out on the balcony. She came right through our yard..and had a cub. Just be careful..please!

Susan Kane said...

Spring, finally spring!

That does not mean that you can don your sandals yet.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now that's better than a night on the town!!!...:)JP

Sandy Livesay said...

These are the type of walks I enjoy. Right in the middle of mother natures garden, and water.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Isn't it wonderful to get out and enjoy the reawakening of nature. Love the baby bunny. xo Laura

DesertHen said...

That walk was full of discoveries!

Susan Anderson said...

Oh, those daffodils!


Josie Two Shoes said...

You have such amazing places to walk, always something new to discover!

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