a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, March 7, 2014

Random Five Friday...

with Nancy at A Rural Journal gives up a chance to post random thoughts about anything.
 1.  The cattle don't care what I wear when I'm bringing feed.  Not a word was said about my pink boots, my red leg warmers or my triple layers of bulky clothes.  They were simply glad to see me.  

We could take a lesson from them.
2.  The deer are more cautious.  Between snow melts they search for food but they seem to be faring well.
3.  Life goes on around us despite the fickle weather.  We help with what we can.  A new calf greets her first sunrise.
4.  Grateful to see a Turkey Vulture instead of the aggressive New World Vultures that sometimes attack animals rather than cleaning up the dead.
5.  We are weary of winter and eagerly awake spring.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, that last shot... pretty but harsh, too. :)

although we're getting warm-ups, i'm still not convinced spring is here to stay this year.

Kathryn Dyche said...

the sun is shining here today, I'll be sure to send some your way.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm taking one warm day at a time..with fingers crossed. What on earth is a New World vulture? Now I've got to go google it!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

It has been a harsh winter, Gail, but one day at a time, Spring will come...love the new member!!!!...:)JP

John Going Gently said...

I have never seen a turkey vulture before
Striking devil

Buttons Thoughts said...

I think you are dressed up I wear my flannels under my coveralls and pink boots too, your right they do not care. You certainly are looking more like Canada:) Take care.nice cattle and deer. Hug B

Willow said...

Did you dance for them too lol
Oh B Betty Bamalam :)))

Grace said...

The animals don't care what we wear as long as bring the food, smiles ~ Sun shining here today though its still below zero, yikes ~

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I got a little chilled watching you with the cows. brrrr and that last shot made my teeth chatter....the baby made me SMILE.. so sweet and we would have a stinky world without the vultures.. buzzards in to me.

Jill Foley said...

and here I thought a vulture was a vulture... didn't know some were preferred over others.

Have a good weekend!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I'm with you - let's have some spring! blessings, marlene

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nice animal shots.
Here it's been windy and raining and cold - and if it were just a few degrees colder, we'd be under a foot of snow. I think winter has got to go soon.

Michaele said...

I too love how animals don't judge us : ) My only worry is that I live close to a highway. I always hope they think I am one of the kids.
Nice winter of 2014 photos.

Irene said...

I am sorry that you are having such a long winter while we had none at all. Have you had to give the cattle a lot of extra feed?

Lynne said...

I liked your five . . . and agreed completely with #1. Ninety per cent of the time I wear a green fleece, thick wool socks, warm t- neck, loose fitting comfy pants. The birds see me, Snickers, sees me, Mr Irish sees me, neighbors see me walking. Yet . . . I would not wear that comfy, comfortable garb to the grocery store, or anywhere else for that matter. I may need to rethink public appearances . . .

Sarah Huizenga said...

YOu have to do what you have to do to stay warm I am sure the animals don't care.

Sketching with Dogs said...

This Winter has been so cruel for the animals there. I pray you have some nice Spring weather very soon.
Lynne x

Lynne said...

I liked seeing all the animals . . . forgot to say that before!

Nancy said...

Difficult to realize your winter was likely much harsher than ours... and you and I have much in common in the wardrobe department. You should see me running down the lane each morning in my layers of thrift store finds. xo

Farm Girl said...

Wow you have had a long and hard winter. What are New World Vultures? I have never heard of them.

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