a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 23, 2014


and enjoy the arrival of spring.
Snow Crocuses 
Spring clean up has been going on a while and the green has not arrived in full force yet.  The brush piles are growing and gardens are plowed.  Onions, radishes and early crops are in the ground waiting for the perfect day to rise to the top.  

We are late this year because the snow enjoyed it's visit far too long to please me. We are blessed. Although we had unusual amounts and long lived snow and ice we had nothing compared to many places. This winter has been rough on all.

I have been randomly planting sunflower seeds from last year.  I know they clean the soil so I am planting them in places I have already forgotten.  I will be pleasantly surprised when those smiling sunflower faces greet me later in the season.

The spring calves are doing well.  The cattle can find winter grass again.  The last few bales wait in the barn to be enjoyed before the grass comes in full.

I think the birds are singing louder this year.  They, too, were tired of ice.


TexWisGirl said...

our bluebonnets are delayed and the yard is just now greening a bit after freeze and freeze again. :)

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad you are having spring and there is green grass.
I always enjoy seeing what you see and I hope all of your sunflowers grow in every nook and cranny.

Anonymous said...

We are finally thawing, slowly. It needs to be slowly because we have so much snow still piled up. Both rivers are at flood warning.
But, yes, Spring is coming here, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yellow flowers make me happy and I love purple ones to and these are screaming out SPRING really loud... that is why the birds are loud. theyare shouting spring spring it's HERE.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Such pretty spring flowers! I am glad you have spring:)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awesome colors...cannot wait for some here...right now, I am happy it is NOT white!!??...:)JP

LindaG said...

Pretty flowers, Gail. :-)
Michigan is supposed to have another week of freezing weather, too.
Hope you have a good week!

Sandy Livesay said...

Beautiful spring flowers!!!
I'm happy to hear you were able to plant onions and radishes outside.

The Furry Gnome said...

You certainly don't look late to me!

Michaele said...

There are small signs of spring all over if we just look for them. I didn't know sunflower seeds were good for the soil.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love to see each new bloom. My trees have their flowers, and the clover is sprouting. Will be mowing soon. We are still feeding out the hay and I'm hoping it lasts out the cool weather.

LilliStJohn said...

Morning Gail - What a nice spring you are getting underway - I cannot believe you already have onions and radishes in the ground....and of course the random planting of sunflower seeds - GEE, our ground is still frozen and we have another winter storm headed our way this week - two storms colliding might very well be the "Perfect Storm", and hopefully the last winter storm for us. We received another blanket of snow over the weekend so winter has been in like a lion and out like a lion. Glad the calves are doing well.....on this side of the planet, the deer have come out of the woods and are collecting in herds out on the hills and grassy areas of the highway and just about anywhere, the ??spring sun has warmed a patch of winter grass. WE counted a herd of 42 going to the city last week, and that was just one herd. Lotta young ones survived the winter so deer are more than plentiful round here. Have a wonderful day and hi to your family - hugz to Marcy :)

gld said...

I still waiting for it to get here!

I do have a clump or two of daffs daring to bloom.

Still too cold to plant anything or for me to work outside......

M.E. Masterson said...

So glad it has made it's appearance finally!

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