a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fake Spring?

Monday was a short sleeved day. I gathered  some seeds. I had to plant whether it was the wrong sign or not. I planted pink cone flowers from seed I saved last year.  I planted sunflowers.
The tulips are out but I've seen them in snow before.
I certainly hope spring is here
but we still have snow.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Did you plant Dr. Pepper too I here it needs to be planted early:)
Oh I wish I could get out in the dirt and plant sunflowers that would be nice. Hug B

21 Wits said...

Lots of snow here still, even though temps in the 50's gave a good try at melting some of it away! Snowbanks around town looked like dirt-sprinkled snow cones!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

do you have any extra cone flower seeds? i have never seen a cone flower except in photos... or can they be bought? i keep thinking i will look and the memory doesn't remind me....

Lynne said...

You are giving me inspiration! Guess I will go throw some seeds out . . . who knows maybe they will soak through the snow, be warmed by the sun and get their first digs at hanging on . . . for some blossoming on down the line.

TexWisGirl said...

we're supposed to hit freezing tomorrow night again. i'm holding my morning glory seeds for the following day. :)

Farm Girl said...

It looks like a beautiful day. I love the kinds of seeds you planted. I think it is always a good day for planting seeds. :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Me too. Even if we are supposed to be down below freezing for one night this week, I'm going for it today and planting some seed. I also am going to seed an area with some grass seed. And I shall hope for the best. At the very least, I will be doing my winter weary heart some good.

Kathryn Dyche said...

Not much signs of spring here yet other than a few buds on the trees.

Susan Kane said...

Song birds are hunting for places to nest. When they arrive, spring is truly here.

Brian Miller said...

this winter has been so bipolar...i dont know to trust it or not...its ridiculous...70 one day and 6 inches of snow the next...the flowers have to be all screwed up...ha

Michaele said...

Buttons stole my joke.
I hope the sunflowers hold off a little on sprouting, but you are definitely thinking in the right direction.

LindaG said...

I stuck some peas out this evening...

Good luck to all of us early, hopeful people! :-)

Country Gal said...

No planting for us here till at least May . Earlier today was so nice here . I was able to wear just a sweatshirt out side no coat , it hit a high of 50F in the shade warmer in the sun for sure . I guess the calm before the snow storm we are to get but so far it has been raining , I can handle that over snow ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

StitchinByTheLake said...

My jonquils have bloomed and I hear that Garvan Gardens is beautiful with them. The forsythia is about a third of the way bloomed and it won't be long before it blazes! My Bradford Pears buds are showing. But today the wind is so horrific I can't get out at all. I did wander through the yard a couple of days ago and noted that I lost a gardenia, a large azalea, and probably a couple of small azaleas to the ice and frigid temperatures. I can see about 4" of green stems of iris and the "frogs belly" is up but then nothing will kill it! I'm ready to plant.....as soon as this wind dies down! blessings, marlene

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