a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, April 11, 2014

Asian Lady Bug...

Japanese Lady Beetle was originally imported to control aphids.  Now they control us!  Each spring and even through the winter a few creep in the house from their hide out.
They find a good place to winter
and reappear on warm days.
One was inspecting my crochet project.
It did not like my attention.
Oh, and these bite!
This was its preferred color or 
maybe it was running from me.
Signs of spring every where
Some good, some not so good.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I never knew they bit.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

roaches bite to, the big palmetto ones, been bit before, so this doesn't surprise me and is the reason i stay far away from bugs, all bugs. but this one is a pretty little guy/girl

Farm Girl said...

They bite? I never knew they bit. I didn't know they were imported either. We used to go camping at a place in the mountains and the trunks of trees would be orange. With millions of them I know when you get that many they do stink.
My Artichokes are covered in them right now.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

such a sweet looking creature but...yes they do bite. We had some in the house last year. They are very opportunistic when it comes to wintering.

TexWisGirl said...

yes, i've gotten bit before. :) i am careful when i scoop them out of the horse water tubs. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE your work and the little biting lady bug well as long as he does not bite me he is kind of cute:) Hug B

Anonymous said...

There is a lady bug farm down the road from us. They actually have them shipped in to use them on the farm. Consequently, they are everywhere around here, inside and out (sometimes even in winter, we will come across one)!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

We had a camper full when we opened it up for our first trip...they sneak in the tiniest cracks.

Sandy Livesay said...

Asian beetles are different than lady bugs. The Asian beetles are great for eating aphids and a few other bugs. They can also become a nuisance especially for ones house.

Maude Lynn said...

They bite? Really?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I had no idea that they bite!!! Yes, we have a few that come in, and they turn paler and paler until they die, maybe they starve?

Susan Kane said...

I can tolerate normal type bug bites, but exotic bugs can really cause problems.
Tomorrow on my K post: Kissing bugs

LindaG said...

I did not know that. We have beetles everywhere. And they are all over the darned thistles, too.
I wonder if that is where the bite on my little finger came from.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Henny Penny said...

My neighbor swats these things all day long! She says they bite too. It is the tiny green stink bugs that want to overwinter in our house. If you ever vacuum up one, you have to throw the bag away and open a window!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yes they bite and if you squish them they smell:(

Michaele said...

They stink too. And they taste just like they smell. One fell in my popcorn bowl and that is how I know. GROSS!

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