a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Weird Wednesday

Things I learned today:

Ice cubes will not fit in a pop can.

With out glasses a lone gourd seed can look like a pill.

Lost glasses can be found on the wearer.

My clothes don't match.

I should have stayed in bed. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Crushed ice will fit in a pop can. Glasses won't.
One of those days, huh?

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha guilty of most of those. One of those days, when you're almost sorry you got up. The sun is shining, the TREMENDOUS rain storm we had has taken away a great deal of snow - the sidewalks are free of ice - I'm going on a 3-5 hour walk-a-bout to enjoy this day. Have a good one. Howdy to TM, hugz to Marcy, enjoy :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i learned this morning that a small piece of dry dog food laying on a workbench in the garage looks like rat poop... you learned a lot sis, and i have learned most of that to. i sure would like to hug bonnie...bob has 4 pair of reading glasses, he can never find a pair to use.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Sounds like glasses are the key--for me anyways.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

but look.....there's that cute pup. See all's well with the world now. And glasses???? oh they are tricky beasts. Mine hide on my head.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Sounds similar to my day:) Enjoy the rest of it it can only get better. You make me laugh Thank you. HUG B

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the laugh. :)

Sandy Livesay said...

It's been one of those days!!!!
Things will get better.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Haha, life just keeps getting funnier as you get older doesn't it :)
Lynne x

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

But the sun is shining...and it's not horribly hot, or terribly cold, and Wally World has cheaters 3/7.99. Can't help with the gourd seed- but maybe you won't sprout a plant out your nose...LOL! Ah I feel your pain...really I do.

Susan Kane said...

It is one of those days when things are knocked over, spilled, lost, and stepped on. Sit down, read a book if you can find it.

Dreaming said...

Such interesting findings! My favorite, that both Mr. Dreamy and I have fallen for, is talking on the cell phone, while looking for the same.
The good new is that when you have a day like that, things have to get better. I think!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How hilarious!!!! But it is good we are still learning. I am continually losing my glasses.

Michaele said...

Hehe! Clothes matching is so overrated.

Farm Girl said...

I could have written this post. I do all of this all of the time. The part I hate the worst is when I try to put on another pair of glasses over the ones I am currently wearing or going to bed with them still on. I won;t even talk about clothes. Except I am starting to look more like Granny from Beverly Hillbillies than Zza Zza Gabor in Green Acres. :)

Willow said...

Smiling ~ hope that gourd seed cured what ailed you . lol

LindaG said...

Aw *hugs* :-) ♥

jp@A Green Ridge said...

So let me know when you begin to feel growth inside!!!!...:)JP

Susan Anderson said...

I like the third one best.


Josie Two Shoes said...

I have days like that too. More than once I have looked for my glasses to find them on my face, or searched for my cellphone in my purse while I held it up to my ear with the other hand talking on it! I fear what we'll be like at 70! ;-)

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