a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another Dam Trip

I was planning on working in the shop but plans are made to be changed.  My nephew Jeremy and I took off for the big ride over the dam.
Pictures of favorite shop, the Dam Bait Shop, was taken on the fly as we hurried to meet Toni for another storage move.
Mattresses, curio cabinet, two rugs, a grandfather clock, a Seven up machine, and two wing back chairs were the first to load. We are running over but Boss Gail, the Elder, insisted there were still places for stuff. We went to another unit and stuffed bags and other things safely in every spot.  We had a LOAD!

I am using my gas so Toni and I did some bartering.  I got this huge honking Persian rug and a smaller one in exchange for my gas.  Toni still bought us lunch.

Arriving at the shop we unloaded except for my rugs of course!  They traveled to my house.

Now you would think an old lady like me would be tired and worn out.  I had to work with the rugs.  Move an old rug, gotta mop, shake the rug outside and bring it to its new spot.  Then I would see a spider web or something so I ended up washing the huge kitchen and dining room on my knees.

It certainly looked good, even if I say so myself.  The living room will have to wait.

The dining room rug is in place under the dining room table, the other matching (kinda) rugs were placed.  After shaking I also vacuumed them.

During all this I am washing dishes, doing laundry and trying to watch NCIS and two more shows.  Didn't happen.  I got pieces of shows that didn't fit but I have the kitchen done.

I've been going since six am and it is now midnight.  Time to stop!  I won't die if I don't get it all done in one night.

I have been infused with git up and go.  I don't know the reason but sure am glad that lazy slug departed and the real workaholic me is on the job again.

Tomorrow is another day.  Wonder what I get to cherry pick tomorrow?

For those of you who watch The Walking Dead I "claimed" a few things.

Good night or good morning...take your pick.


Anonymous said...

Bartering is an art. It is great that you got some work done, but got some goodies, too!

Susan Anderson said...

Maybe spring is re-energizing you back to your norm!


Irene said...

You obviously are a person of seasons and have renewed energy and joy when it is springtime. I find this to be true of myself too. I do think you have enough energy for three people, so use it wisely so you won't burn out. xox

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wow, you put in a full day! Don't you hate it when one project leads to another, then leads to another...?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would be among the walking dead if i did all that in one day... you should be totally exhausted. i am thinking you were bit by the spring cleaning bug.... what a deal...on the rug i mean.

TexWisGirl said...

even your 'pay' required lots more work. crazy woman. :)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I love a lady who can switch on a dime.....or a new rug depending. Glad to here that your enthusiasm and verve have decided to return and bless you. I'm still hunting mine. I hope you're going to bless us with photos of your hard work. Have a fabulous Wednesday, Linda

T. Powell Coltrin said...

That is a full day, but when I get something new like that, I'm not in bed until I've moved my whole house around.

Kathryn Dyche said...

You've got the wind up your bum as my friend would say. Jeez girl you put me to shame. Bottle up some of that energy and send it my way would you.

ellen abbott said...

I have a rug that needs to be unrolled, shook out, vacuumed, and washed if you are still looking for something to do.

Sandy Livesay said...

You sound like the energizer bunny.....you keep going and going and going.

Barbee' said...

I don't know what you're on, but I need some of it!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Hope you had a good rest afterwards, that was a heck of a days work!
Lynne x

Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot believe how much energy you have! I have to sit down after doing the dishes!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Whoo-hoo- you made a great trade! I bet you are a little bit on the sore side today...I would be!

Michaele said...

Might as well get it all done while the energy was running high. Hope you were able to get out of bed the next morning. : )

Brian Miller said...

a successful trip coming home with rugs....smiles...so many puns to play on a trip tot eh dam as well...ha....smiles.

LindaG said...

What Sue said. I'm betting all the hours of sunlight have recharged your battery. :-)

That and a relatively calm life for now?

Have fun, Gail!

Lynne said...

I need your work bug to hit me . . , slugging around just terrible! Not sure why!
Better show us pictures!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I always enjoy getting treasures from others by working for them!!!...:)JP

DesertHen said...

That Dam trip sure turned into quite the workout for you! And I probably would've "claimed" the rugs too!

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