a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today Was Great...

weather wise and other wise.  I worked at the shop and stayed busy cleaning, tagging, and talking.  As I drove home I remembered the old spring where we use to find Morel mushrooms.  Leaving my car parked in the middle of the road just because I could I headed for the spring.
First thing I hit quick sand and went in up to my knees.  I lost both shoes and had to dig them out.  Knew what was happening in time to put my camera safely in my pocket.  After getting out of this mess I followed the spring washing the mud off and out of my shoes.
I found mossy logs and rocks.  The weather was perfect.  The spring begged me to follow it.  The briers tried to stop me.
I found beautiful wild flowers, new spring plants, clear water and a sense of being one with the land.
I didn't know the wild flowers' name
I even climbed a tree.
Not up it but over instead.
This is one tree we lost from our tornado in '08.
The spring was hidden on land that was once Dad's
 but no longer ours.
No luck with Morels but I found a raccoon's track
The spring could not hide from me.
I headed back the way I had come.
We would not have morels for supper tonight
but the wild flowers
 and the walk
and the woods
 made me admire Creation all the more.

Wishing you all a "walk on the wild side".


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an awful thing to happen!! How on earth did you free yourself? It seems you are a very good tracker.

Lynne said...

Love getting out in the woods to find wildflowers and just the fragrance alone of the outdoors is wonderful . . .

Good for you . . . be careful of that quick sand though!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Love your foray in the woods, thanks for taking us along with you. Glad you managed to retrieve your boots and get unstuck.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you didn't get stuck! Beautiful scenery. Glad you stated that was a raccoon. Looks like a monster's track.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you were not sucked down unto death and could save yourself and your shoes... yikes on the quick sand but the rest of the walk is my kind of walking on the wild side. spring is there i can see it

TexWisGirl said...

really beautiful and woodsy. love it.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That must have been pretty scary. The same thing happened to me at the beach once and I was up to my hips before hubby pulled me out - I also lost my shoes, ha.
Lynne x

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Thanks for taking me along on yet another fabulous trek in your beautiful neighborhood. I love when you do this. And even though you got your shoes sucked off your feet, I know you loved the mud between your toes. Linda

Sandy Livesay said...


Beautiful pictures of wild flowers, the spring, and trees. It was a perfect day to take a walk on the wild side. I'm sorry you didn't find any morels.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a wonderful way to find nature!!!...:)JP

LindaG said...

Good you left your car on the road as a starting point. Glad you got out of that quicksand safely!

Sad that some of that land is no longer yours.

But such beautiful pictures you shared with us, Gail. Thank you!
Have a blessed weekend. ♥

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have spring flowers! Nice walk!! :)

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