a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thrift Store

Walk away
That their
Are ageless


Ginny Hartzler said...

And did you buy this? Is it beautiful glass grapes? Your poem is how I feel when I shop!!!

Brian Miller said...

as you walk through you can make the ages...so much nostalgia in those places...i love them...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good thing their memories are ageless, as their things will wind up in a thrift shop someday.

Mary said...

Yes, so true. Memories are definitely ageless.

Lynne said...

Indeed . . . memories are ageless!

Dar said...

Lovely and true...I'm guilty of buying 'yesterday' and love it.

Farm Girl said...

How awesome there are those grapes in the store. Nice poem too.
I remember my grandmother and mom having a day of making those things and one sat on our coffee table at home for years.

TexWisGirl said...

evoking good memories. sweet!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your shop would just fill me with fond memories. i love to wander in stores and look at what my grandparents and parents used that are now considered antiques. like those beautiful glass Christmas balls. mother had them from WWII but they were clear glass except for 2 red ones

Vandana Sharma said...

ah! such a truthful thought :)

Vandana Sharma said...

ah! such a truthful thought :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Love those purple glass thingies.....I would have bought them for sure. I love thrift store finds!

Susan Anderson said...

Oh boy, do I love that teapot.


PS. Stop by when you get a chance. I want you to read my Memorial Day poem. I think you would relate…or maybe where you live, they still do it up right.

Sketching with Dogs said...

That teapot is gorgeous, definitley one for Sunday best.
Lynne x

alan1704 said...

Memories play such an important place in our lives and hearts.

Peggy said...

So well stated. Lovely and true. Thanks for linking at Poetry Jam

Helen said...

Has to be one of my favorite "Gail Poems."

jp@A Green Ridge said...

And the thing about memories is they don't take up any room!!!...:)JP

LindaG said...


Lovely teapot.

Well done poem, Gail. ♥

Gabriella said...

What has become old for some can start anew in new hands! Nice poem, gail.

Sandy Livesay said...

Great poem and idea!!!

Poems and posting items for sale from the shop.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Oh, very cool! I am a thrift store shopper. Bargains are fun. Memories are special. I really enjoyed this response to the prompt--- and I loved the photos of the treasures, too.

DesertHen said...

I love that tea pot! If I was nearby, I'd run over and buy it!

Sarav said...

Gail, what a wonderful take on the prompt! It's so true, you walk through and see all these things from your childhood or grandparents home :-) Thank you for the smile :-)

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