a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, February 21, 2015


I would like to deem myself unfit for all the whining I've been doing.  I hope to redeem myself today by being grateful.  I'd be remiss not to mention all those in more dire straits than me.  I did miss the hot water at my fingertips but in the scheme of things it was nothing. We have ice and snow and cold temps but there are more that do not have what we do...power, food and shelter.  For those I hope things improve quickly. For those who have endured my computer, water, hot water, ice commiserations, please forgive me.  Thanks for listening.

Using some words from Imaginary Garden With Real Toads.


TexWisGirl said...

hey, you have EVERY right to VENT! you've had a dump on your shoulders for a while, now. just getting it out there can be a relief. no need to apologize one iota.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ditto what Theresa said. :)

Bethany Carson said...

If I were the only one who had troubles I might start getting worried that I was doing something wrong, so in a way it can be encouraging (though sad) to hear that others have troubles too. We're all in this battle of life together. Praying you get to some smoother sailing! You've had it rough.

Bethany Carson said...

Hmm...for some reason what I wrote doesn't sound quite right (encouraging isn't quite the correct word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment). Anyway, I hope you know what I mean.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I didn't think you were whining...

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sharing is not whining nor is an apology needed. Some days suck:(

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with others. You are far from a whiner, even when you share. No need to apologize. Wishing you and everyone lots to be thankful for!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with others. You are far from a whiner, even when you share. No need to apologize. Wishing you and everyone lots to be thankful for!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

double ditto what Teresa said. you are not whining you are letting your friends know what is going on in your life. holding things in could make your BP rise or stress to cause a stroke. venting is an outlet we all NEED. vent on I am waiting and besides that, what is happening to us at the moment is what is important. there is nothing we can do about others only ourselves.

Farm Girl said...

You should never feel you need to apolgise just because you are sharing what it going on in your life. That is what and why we blog. We share with other people our lives. That is what makes life worth living. Oh and for the record I never felt you were whining, I thought you were just telling about what happened to you because of this cold. Ron and I had a long conversation over breakfast about how cold breaks down things in our house. So just be yourself. We love you!

gld said...

Gail, this is a great place to complain (whine). We have all been in your shoes and we all knew there were people much worse off.

It is good therapy to vent someplace other than to family members or mates.....

StitchinByTheLake said...

We all have to whine sometimes Gail....I once heard a motivational speaker say it's okay to have a pity party if you put a time limit on it. But remember that there are two negatives to pity parties. No one comes and there are no refreshments. :) blessings, marlene

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gail, now I feel guilty!!!! It is snowing here...again...yeah!!!!...:)JP

Grace said...

Its snowing here too and very cold ~ Love your apology, smiles ~

Margaret said...

Ah, but poets GET to be truthful about their feelings :)

Country Gal said...

Ah but all in good faith !

grapeling said...

Shoot, I'd say you're just observing what's happening. That's not complaining, that's keeping your eyes open and wits about you.

Thanks for adding your voice, Gail ~

LindaG said...

Hang in there, Gail. *hugs* ♥

Lynne said...

Ditto . . . Tex and Terri . . .

LilliStJohn said...

There's nothing Maritimers do more well than talk aboot the weather. We can talk about weather every day and every hour. he,he What else is there to talk about when the snow is up or above your shoulders, then there's always the downpours of rain blasts that come for at least three weeks and then the blast of toooooo hot and we're back to pre winter. Yep, lots to talk about regarding winter n such round abouts here. Its not complaining or whining.......its weather talk. Soon you'll be dusting off those winter duds for a jump in that small pool you are building off the creed for Z. Hullo to all and hugz to M.

21 Wits said...

Hey you can whine, scream, kick, hit (just not my head) any time you feel the need to vent, throw things or whatever. That's what we're here for you know, and especially how you so often turn it all into a better stand up routine than those getting paid for it. Sometimes too, like when I'm feeling blue because the cold does stuff to my washer and well, I feel horrible, until I read about far worse things! Really and truly! We love you you know. Just keep on being you!

Sandy Livesay said...


I say VENT away my friend!!!! Venting makes for good health :-)

Jim said...

Gail, I might scream, holler, and kick, AND MORE, if I had to put up with what you guys are having.
I left one snow shovel in Nebraska and the other in New Hampshire when I came to Texas the first time, then again to stay.
I enjoyed reading this, not for your memory tale, but for your cleverness in overcoming.

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