a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, February 26, 2015


No logic can explain away
The fear we feel on certain days
No words, no teasing, no commands
Change our fear of what's at hand

As a child I often wondered
Was I scared because I ran
Or ran because of fear
I couldn't understand

I only knew as a child
At dark I would not run
Because the faster I went
The more scared I'd become.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this is wonderful and it reminded me of thoughts in my childhood. Hug B

Outlawyer said...

This has the feel of genuine fear--the cadence and the enjambment work very well, All ver vivid. Thank. k http://manicddaily.wordpress.com.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know Fear is my middle name, but have never run in the dark because i don't go out in the dark.. this is great

21 Wits said...

Sounds a lot like the good old days to me! I'm wondering will you continue this little tale?

Jae Rose said...

True enough in adulthood too! What a wonderful piece..made me think of dark nights when i was little and how your imagination changes

Linda Kay said...

Great poem, made me think of the old basement in my house as a kid. Creepy in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the further you run into the dark the more there is ahead of you. Lovely poem.

TexWisGirl said...

i like this very much.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Love the way you describe that fear that grips us all from time to time, for almost no reason at all.
Lynne x

Magaly Guerrero said...

Such a circle...

Anonymous said...

Fear can be very real, rational or not. What some fear, others may scoff at. But, that never lessens the fear. It often remains.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You fueled your own fear by running.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Running doesn't fix things as we learn...stand and face them!...:)JP

Lux G. said...

Human nature. But it is also natural to us to be face our fears in all its forms. :)

Nicely written.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I'm not in a good frame of mind right now. Pretty crummy actually, but last night I HAD to watch the Walking Dead (free TV). I LOVE that series. Except last night, it was more violent than usual and played on my nerves. This in turn caused me to be scared of the dark when I took Millie outside for her last potty run. I hadn't felt that way in a months.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Oh and NICE poetry.

LindaG said...

I can relate to that. Happens to me during the day, sometimes, too.

Good writing, Gail!

Mary said...

I do think that sometimes fear operates outside of logic. It just has to be accepted and dealt with as it arrives. And the idea about not running in the dark makes quite good sense to me. Smiles.

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