a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hubby Has A New Toy

and a new hobby.  We live on a dead end road and have a lot of strange traffic. When stopped they "confess" they are lost.  We hear all kinds of excuses like didn't see the signs, or doesn't Joe, John, or Sally live here?  Our no trespassing and private property signs seem to have no affect. The huge Dead End sign posted by the county is ignored.

In the past we have had trouble with thieves and trespassers.  I believe this may be changing.

I'm not sure what Hubby calls his new game but he does enjoy it.  In his tv room he has full view of approaching vehicles and of course our dog alarms go off .  He watches nightly, obsessively, for someone to cross the cattle guard. He even naps during the day so he'll be ready for guard duty come dark.

First he tried a spotlight and that seemed to help some.  When you are in strange territory and a bright light out of nowhere hits your vehicle it kinda makes you think twice.

His new toy is a lazer sight for a gun.  He attached it to his varmint gun but hasn't used it for that yet, however, he has used the sight on trespassers.  He laughs manically at their reactions.  Just imagine this...you have driven down a dirt road for over a quarter, you're not sure where you are or if you do know, you are up to no good.  A bright green dot suddenly appears on the driver of the vehicle.  The only way someone would not know what this was would be to have totally lived with their head in the sand.

Some have been brave enough to continue, several have backed up and driven at break neck speeds in reverse to lose the "dot".  Our traffic has slowed immensely.  Word must be getting around!

And Hubby keeps on playing.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is wicked funny!! I'd say put a trigger at the end of the road that trips a flashing light, as that would scare the crap out of anybody, but I like your husband's trick even better.

LilliStJohn said...

ha,ha I love it - yep, the red dot on your chest would certainly make you move in the other direction "FAST". I want one of those. he,he

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just like a man... sounds like he is having fun with his camera, lights and scope.. from a female view, i would put a great big gate out at the start of the road with private drive, keep out on it. no fence just a gate... but then that would not be fun... tell Den i say very creative...

Linda Kay said...

Boys and their toys! This is so funny, and I can imagine when someone sees the "dot" they are ready to high tail it out the way they came in.

Anonymous said...

I love it. maybe one day soon he will be able to sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I understand, though. We live in a very rural area, by a dead end, too. There have been a lot of "break-ins" over the past few months. You can't be too careful.

ellen abbott said...

people are generally up to no go when they go down private roads at night. might as well make a game out of it.

21 Wits said...

I like that comment, wicked funny! His hobby or rather sport reminds me of Don't mess with Texas. But truly he's so on the right track. I remember having trouble with folks after hours at our auto-repair shop in Minneapolis, and we installed an alarm system but the most effective was our huge BEWARE OF DOG sign. The neighborhood knew we were dog lovers too (hence a few secret drop offs) But! No more calls from the alarm company late at night any more after that. Word does travel well too. You'll have to serve hot popcorn for those late night watches!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Way to go! That will keep the riff raff out! :)

Country Gal said...

Good for him I would do the same thing to keep the riff raff away ! Men and their toys though lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day .

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Miss Gail, Hubs is havin' waaaay too much fun. I love it!!!

Farm fellas and their toys...a most dangerous combo!

Have a greatly blessed day sweetie and stay cozy!

Minus 15 below this am in this frost holler....burrrr........

Arkansas Patti said...

What a fun way to solve an annoying problem. I'm a huge gate person but a gate while effective, so lacks in imagination and fun. Keep enjoying.

Susan Kane said...

How about a recording of gun shots with flashes of light.
Your husband is brilliant.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Crime is rising out in the country-it's no longer smart to think you are safe because you are away from town. No trespassing signs do not work. We've been thinking about a locked gate, but I'm sure that wouldn't stop a determined thief.

DFW said...

Now that's what I call funny! Hope the word gets out to everyone who might be there to do harm.

C-ingspots said...

Haha!! I love your husband's maniacal sense of humor Gail! It's about time that the fear of God was put into the "criminal element", instead of the other way around. Maybe you should set up your video camera in hopes of a big payoff...

Sandy Livesay said...


Your husband and Bulldog Man think alike :-)

One day we need to get these guys together, lol.........
I'm telling you now, we will be in trouble when they get together.

Farm Girl said...

That is so great!! I would be laughing about it too.
Those were the days when we lived at the end of a dead end road.
Now no more, but it would still be fun to see at your house.

Michaele said...

He is scaring me off just reading this. Have you guys seen the movie Secondhand Lions?

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