a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine Sunshine And Fudge...

Best ever Valentine's Day.   Thought I would rub in the fact we have sunshine share our wonderful morning.  It is 67 degrees as I write this.  The temps will begin to drop this afternoon as the storm gets closer.

Today we were able to explore forgetting all those neck deep in snow while sending wonderful spring thoughts to those in the heart of this horrible storm.
Sunshine, rocks, trees and dogs were all part of our adventure as the soup and casserole cooked itself at home.
Visiting places I haven't seen in a long time on the back side of the farm.  
Guess what I found?
Amazing beautiful rocks
steep hills I refused to ride up
I walked while Hubby drove.
Blue skies promised us spring was close.

The exploring ended as we returned to the valley with a feather, a bone and a bucket of beautiful rocks.  I had not burned lunch which we enjoyed.  Marcy brought us homemade fudge for our valentine.

The wind is picking up as the front is heading our way.  Off to top off the water gardens and enjoy the beautiful weather before we get iced in.

Happy Valentine's Day!  Stay safe and happy.


TexWisGirl said...

sounds like a good one. we're above 70 and going towards 75 today.

Lynne said...

Looking very tempting . . .
We are hunkered down around here.
Blizzard . . .
Forty-Fifty Mile hour winds . . .
Complete white outs . . .
Nine degrees, wind chills in the thirties . . . .
(I have a bit of a whine going on!)
Want to wish you a Happy Valentines Day!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm laughing at you walking up the hill because I do the same thing. I refuse to ride. LOL Hey, I'm closer to edge of the storm, I'll let ya know how bad it is here! I don't mind snow,but they say ice, so we many be firing up the generator. Stay warm.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so happy for you the sun came out, the temps warmed up, you had Your Man and your ROCKS and got to wander.. PLUS a bucket of rocks.. perfect day.. God bless Marcy for the candy to... you were warmer that us today. we went to 58 but bright sun to

jp@A Green Ridge said...

ha! Ha! We were a whopping 1 this morning...so there! Snowing now...since noon..:)JP (aka Buried Alive)

Arkansas Patti said...

Hasn't it just been a rare treat of a day. It started out 27 degrees, got up to 74 and is now cruising back down. Glad you got to enjoy and got out in this lovely day. It gives the spirit a lift.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day. We are frigid here but we still enjoyed our Valentines Day.

Buttons Thoughts said...

What an amazing way to spend Valentines Day. Hug B

LindaG said...

Some days I envy all your rocks. :-)
It got up to mid 70s here, too.
Hard to believe rain and freezing weather next week.
Be careful and stay warm!

Far Side of Fifty said...

we didn't get above zero today..cold so I enjoyed your spring like photos. Stay warm:)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I enjoyed this so much - sounds like a perfect day. Dogs will be happy. I can see your 67 degrees with my OUR CROCUSSES ARE UP!!!!! and the daffodils and tulips' blooms are going to burst forth soon. YAY! It was sunny here today which cheered the whole town up. Everywhere, everyone was smiling.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

:) YOu sound SO darned happy! Icy and cold and snowy..seems most everyone had a really good day. We did. God..to be able to get out and adventure like that.. Wow!

Magaly Guerrero said...

We have sunshine, too. It looked so bright and inviting that it fooled me into walking outside. Oh my frigid gods! I almost froze to death. So go ahead, rub it in... just rub it in long enough to warm up my bones, for New York City is freezing!

Happy Valentine's Day to you! ♥

The Furry Gnome said...

Well, we had sunshine today too - and a forecast of -42C with the wind chill tonight and tomorrow morning!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me. Especially the rocks but then you already knew that. Fudge????? My sister used to make fudge and a popcorn......yum.

LilliStJohn said...

Thanks for sharing the sunshine - it made me laugh with the puns lined oot. ha,ha Yep, we got er again past two days and just today will start to dig out. I don't mind but I sure am drooling over those rocks and Den's rig. lol to all , special (heart) hugz to Marcy.

Sandy Livesay said...


Now that's a beautiful way to spend Valentine's Day. Walking your property, riding with hubby, and finding wonderful finds.

Then to top it off with delicious home cooked food and Fudge!!!
Happy Belated Valentine's Day.

Susan Anderson said...

Glad you got a breath of spring!


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