a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I Admit...

some days words like discombobulated, perplexed, and befuddled all apply to me but I try.  I really do.

I make lists then lose them and try desperately in the store to envision that lost list. Most of the time I get lucky and remember what was on the list.  Other times I duplicate a list even if I've filled it previously.  This isn't unusual for me and its that very trait that saves me from boredom.  I can hide my own Easter Eggs.

With all the confusion around here with extra guests, catering meals and patient transport I have a little more trouble remembering what I NEED to do or what to purchase.

We ran out of crackers.  It's cracker season.  I asked Hubby to pick up crackers then I promptly forgot I asked.  I did a grocery run and forgot I had asked for the crackers.  So I picked some up at the first display and then forgot and went to the cracker isle and got more crackers!
I have crackers, three boxes ahead.  I have my antique cracker canister (purchased when I was pregnant with first child now 42...the only thing I could eat) full.
I even found some packages in the top of my three tier basket! I can see it all now.  I may never buy crackers again because in my mind I have imprinted an abundance of crackers.
I also forget where I put snacks!  I found a pack of Skittles in the pizza pan drawer.  I had forgotten I hid them as a surprise reward for smallest grandson's reading.  Well, SURPRISE! I found them.

As I was hiding the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Sponge Bob Gummies inside Pepe Le Pew's cookie jar I discovered Christmas Candy Canes!

Have you noticed my pattern?  Good healthy snacks are left in plain view while the not so healthy snacks are hidden.

I'm on to something here.  I think I subconsciously hide the sweet stuff where I won't be tempted. Maybe I'll look around to prove that theory.  Yep, just found a sack of M&Ms in my desk drawer.

If I wait a minute or two, I'll forget that and have a nice surprise later this week.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Skittles in the pizza pan drawer? Taste the peperoni rainbow...
Guess it's time for a lot of soups at your house with all those crackers.

Liza said...

I have two jars of powdered mustard because I forgot I bought the first one. Powdered mustard! One jar will last me five years, and I have two!

Buttons Thoughts said...

MMMMm M&M's, sorry what else did you say I forgot:) Hug B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you on hiding things and forgetting them and the list thing. but with my addiction to sugar, i have never lost or forgotten candy of any kind.. if i hide it, it calls my name until i eat it. think 2 days at most for a whole bag of any kind of candy, the peppermint sticks would have called me everytime i walked in the room.. that said. I LOVED your story and smile and chuckled all the way through it. i am picking up what you are putting down,

Linda Kay said...

So funny, Gail....and I share some of your forgetfulness. Too busy, I guess. Just stick a couple of boxes of crackers in the freezer to help keep them fresh until you are ready. But then again, you might forget they are there! ;-)

Lynne said...

Fun post . . .
Sounds like me . . .

TexWisGirl said...

you're too funny...hide your own easter eggs. :)

Country Gal said...

Oh I had to giggle here Gail as that is what Papa and I are like , we would forget our own heads sometimes if they weren't attached lol ! I seem to have to many things on my mind and drift to them as I am doing something then forget what I was doing lol Active healthy mind I call it , not forgetful lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Sandy Livesay said...

Out of sight....out of mind!!!!

We all do this as we get older.

21 Wits said...

I completely get it. I just old my hubby the other day (he's that hubby that will finish stuff and leave the empty box) he says so I can see what we need. Ha! Ha! But I just told him, I'm not kidding but crackers are a staple and need to always be in the cupboard with crackers inside! Not empty. My mother always had them. So do I. It's like peanuvtbutter and honey and butter! Always on hand.

Anonymous said...

It's not always a bad thing to be forgetful.t's no

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the above. When I try to leave a comment here I end up 'typing blind'...can't see what I'm typing. Lots of fun.

C-ingspots said...

:) You've given me quite the chuckle as I envision you snooping around your own kitchen for treasures that you'd forgotten that you'd hidden!!! One of those tiny blessings of old age, I think! And...you make me feel soooo much better knowing that I'm NOT the only one who forgets things. Well, lots of things! As long as we're happy - and hey; who doesn't love a good surprise? Especially a chocolate surprise!! And I LOVE your Peppy Le Pew cookie jar!!! One of my favorite cartoon fellas. :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

So funny! You must get a lot of nice surprises when you take the lid off something and find sweets.
Lynne x

Arkansas Patti said...

Humans just miss those old hunt and gather days. It is in our genes. Don't fight it. Gather as you may, then go hunting.

Farm Girl said...

Well at least you found it. I think what is scary when there is a lot going on are those blank places. My our grandsons were born at 28 weeks, I did so many things like that and there was nothing in my mind to even suggest I had done this or that. I hope your house gets a bit emptier soon. In the mean time, eat those goodies. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hoarding crackers and hiding the good stuff...perfect winter activity:)

Michaele said...

Lol on hiding your own Easter eggs. I think being forgetful keeps us in the present moment. It's the only one we can remember. In any case, one day last week I forgot to put on make up and was being more social than usual at work that day. I didn't notice until 10:30 a.m. Hope this isn't "early onset".

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Oh darling girl....me too, me 2. I have a bad habit of hiding Christmas or birthday presents so the kids won't find them but I find them months later when whatever the holiday has passed. And I give up with the grocery lists. Sweet Man and I go on Tuesday mornings and just go down all the rows asking each other if we need ????? It's quite a freak show, we should charge the folks that stare at us. xoxo Yo sista from another mother

Brian Miller said...

ha. what a treat for you when you find them eh?

so where are those reese's....
um, they are def a weakness of mine...

LindaG said...

Haha. *hugs* We have the same problem. I'll put something somewhere and tell hubby and then we both forget.

My thing with shopping lists is I usually forget the list at home.

Enjoy your M&Ms when you remember!

carolina nana said...

HAhaha !!! Girl I can definitely relate to this post.
I just left myself a note on the table where I drink my morning coffee so I will remember to go shopping tomorrow !!!
I have no idea what these memory lapses !!!!!?????

Bethany Carson said...

Haha! I love this post, Gail! Sounds like fun to be able to find candy hidden around the house! I have a bit of a time myself with my memory, so I write myself plenty of notes--and have a board over my desk to pin them through--and a notepad in my purse...but all too often I have to look for my notes as well!

Gilly said...

Good to see a new face over at writteninc. And lovely shots and a great story! I'll know where to come if I need crackers!

Bob Scotney said...

Welcome to Thematic Photographic, Gail.

You're not crackers at all. I may know where my wife hides snacks but I'm forbidden to touch.

DesertHen said...

My mother has the very same saltine cracker tin and still uses it to this day. I think she got it when she was pregnant with me 46 years ago!

Remember...there is a method to your madness. =) You will always find a sweet surprise when you least expect it.

carmilevy said...

Hi Gail. Thank you so much for sharing this as part of this week's Thematic theme. I'm so glad you joined in, and I look forward to your sharing even more delightful vignettes going forward.

I really enjoyed this entry for a whole lot of reasons - you have a delightful writing and photographic style - but am especially glad to see I'm not the only one who stashes things away only to discover them months later. It sure makes for a life full of fun surprises!

Here's to more...

Thanks again!


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