a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Playing With Candles

I begin one job but oh, the possibilities of deviation.  I am the queen of changing directions.  It was a really clean the kitchen day.  I mean washing cabinets, cleaning fridge, scrubbing every surface...then I had to redesign my pot and pan hanger, wash and refill my canisters and jars to my liking.
I was nearly finished even with all my sidetracking when I spied those little unused candle containers that I can't throw away.  You know the candles in great containers that have burned all they're going to burn, the wick is gone with stacks of wax in the bottom of each container.  I had cleaned a few and re-purposed most but there sat six more waiting on me.  Well, this became the day I finished that chore.

First I had to test each container in the microwave to know if there was metal.  There was so no short cuts there.  Used the old chocolate melting system...a boiling pot of water with the candle container in the center.
It worked.  Container by container wax was melted, old metal and pieces of wicks and foils removed while I began to pour the melted wax into the chosen container.
I had no wicks!  Made one from cotton by tying a metal bolt on the bottom and suspended it from a fork so it would stand straight as I added liquid wax.
I had an Ah-ha moment and thought of some tapered candles I never use.  I cut one the correct length, centered it in a container and continued the process.

The first container carried its fragrance from the melted wax but the second needed some smell added...cinnamon oil for candy making was added.  I had to play with food dye! Just can't leave things alone.
They may not be beautiful but they are functional and both smell very good.  I had fun wasting time and saving a few dollars...maybe.  The job is no longer waiting for me.
I gained four wonderful empty containers.
Wonder what I will do with them?
I bet I can find a use!


eileeninmd said...

Hello, at first I thought you would be playing with fire.
I do like a nice smelling candle.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Clever! My wife has done that before. It was a bit of a mess.
Have a great Thanksgiving, Dale.

Lynne said...

Great fun isn't it!
I put my old melted candles in glass jars on a cooking sheet, in the oven at 200 degrees. Works like a charm . . .
Sounds like fun, maybe I will "play" today before the Thanksgiving prep . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love those left over containers. and you had fun and now have new candles to burn... win win is what you have.
to remove left over wax, put the container in the freezer for about an hour, it will fall out... or pour murphys soap and soak for an hour and it float lose...

Linda Kay said...

I have to say, I would not think of using my time to remake candles from used ones, but it sounds like a fabulous idea. Candles have gotten quite expensive, actually. I usually only burn them when I have company. Have a really special Thanksgiving Day.

Martha said...

This is fun! And I can imagine just how nice they smell.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Thanks for sharing this. I've got some old candles I could use for this craft. I hate throwing anything away that still has purpose, so this is great. Thanks, again, Gail. Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Nancy

Sketching with Dogs said...

That looked like so much fun. Very ingenious way to make a wick too!
I disagree, they are both beautiful and bet they smell lovely.
Lynne x

Sandy Livesay said...

Homemade candles, love it!!! I know you'll find a use for your glass containers.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I've tried that before and the mess was enough for me to say never again!
I hope you and the Hubs have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

LindaG said...

Just love reading about your home projects. :)
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
God bless. ♥

Lee said...

You are a most industrious lady...much more than I am, I must admit. Good for you. :)

Anonymous said...

I have always thought about doing this. If we lived near each other, we could get into all kinds of...FUN.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A fun project for the Winter months in this neck of the woods...:)JP

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